The poet Robert Frost is returning home from the market.On the way he passes through woods . He wonders who owns these woods and then realize that he knows the owner. The lucky land owner lives in a house in the village. So the poet feels he would not get into a trouble for staying their enjoying the snowfall.
He thinks that his horse may think it is strange to stay there in the woods on the darkest night of the year for there is no farmhouse near them.The poet and his little horse chilling between the woods and a frozen lake .The horse as the poet has already preceived shakes the hardness belts to indicate his intention.His perhaps , wants ask the poet if it is a mistake to stay here in such a frosty conditions. There is quite all around . The only sound apart from the harness belll is that a cold wind.and soft flakes of snow.
The poet likes the beauty of the woods. He say that the wood a lovely dark and deep. He wants to stay there to relish this beauty amid the cold dark Knight but cannot help leaving the place for the responsibilities he has to fullfill. You know that he has to travel many a miles before he goes to sleep. Has the prospect of long journey full him out of dark silvery beauty of the woods.
This is a brief simple and fascinating poem. The musical rhymes scheme creates some melodious effect. It brings out the attractive and exciting beauty of nature. It reflex the conflict between escaping into the dark cross the wood so beautiful nature and the daily affairs of life.This certainly is a charming little poem that goes trade into the imaginative heart of the read.

Stanza 1:
Reference :
This stanza has been taken from the poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening written by Robert Frost.
Context: the point describes story of a man travelling to his town on the way he reaches a dark snowy would it is fascinating he wants to enjoy there.
The poet reaches the snowing woods it is dark woods look vary attractive. The port stops there he wonders about the master of these woods mean by he sums up his memories than he comes to know that he is familiar with the owner of the woods. He lives in nearby village in a small house the poet knows that he will not come to see his words so it is a chance for the poet to enjoy a visit of the woods.

Stanza 2
These lines have been taken from the poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening written by Robert Frost
Is little horse is with him the poet himself is used that is horse wants to say something on staying on wonderful place.
Paraphrase :
The poet analyse that is little horses thinking it is strange to stop in the middle of travelling without any objective and reason the horse feels no one inside no farmhouse no source of living present there.The poet and his little horse are together feeling serve cold between woods and frozen lake perhaps it is there bitterest and darkest evening of the Year.

Stanza 3:
These lines have been taken from the poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening written by Robert Frost.
The poet can understand the feelings of his horse the horse shakes his harness bells to get attention of his master.
Paraphrase :
The horse is losing his power in this condition shakes his bells to get attention of his master and to ask either they have done something wrong or there is some problem to move on. The horse wants to know the reason of stopping there but there is no response other than sounds of winds and falling snowing flakes.

Stanza 4
These lines have been taken from the poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening written by Robert Frost.
The horse cannot talk but issues his irritation not to stop there without any objective.
The poet conferences that is fascinating by the beauty of dark snowing woods but he has to do many important things. He has to see many places. He has to get a long baby for taking rest. He has to cover miles before going to bed. At last he decides to carry on his travel to full fill important task before having rest.

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