Answer the following questions

Q1. Who is Hellen Keller ?

Ans . Helen Keller was an American woman . She was left blind and deaf after an illness at the age of about 19 months .She was so courageous that despite her blindness she graduated and wrote many books .She became a symbol of courage and success.

Q2.Describe the thought expressed by the author in the first paragraph ?

Ans . She expresses her thoughts about the ways to live life if we are to die the enxt day .She thinks that some would live it joyfully . ,Some would it with vigour and gentelness but many would be chastened by the impending death .


How would Helen Keller like to spend 3 days of her imaginary sight?
Ans. On the first day he would like to see those whose kindness and companionship have made her life worth living. On the second day she would go to the museum to see the evolution of earth and its inhabitants mans and animals. On the 3rd day she would see the busy world of present she would be the flowing river high towers and crowded roads
Q4. But makes you feel that the author is sad and depressed?
Ans. She feels that “seeing see little ” she is depressed on listening remarks of her friend to feel that the seeing people do not give proper value of blessings beauty and attraction that nature has it for us.
Q5. How do you get an impression that he was a great admire of nature?
Ans. She was a great admire of nature as you describe it’s beauty like a passionate poet of nature .The expressions like the refreshing air, cool broke water, pine needles ,sweet voices and loving faces shows her admiration for nature

Q6. What did she want to introduce in universities and why?
Ans. He wanted to introduce a course how to use your eyes because he felt that the seeing people do not uses tenses properly the teachers would teachers how to use our eyes to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Q7. People who are deprived of sightare not devoid of imagination discuss referring to the text?
Ans. The people who do not have eyes are not devoid of imagination they can lead normal or even better lives.Helen Keller was deprived of eyes but we find her more imaginative than many of us . She lived her life and show that her vision and appreciation for nature is more realistic joyful and delight ful.

A. Highlight the correct option.

  1. Apparently means (obviously , as it appears , clearly)
  2. Manifold means (different types ,many layers ,an object)
  3. Quiver means ( to demonstrate , to shake slightly , to act amusingly)

A. Complete the following conditionals

  1. If I were the edit minister ,I would make education free .
  2. If you had a degree , you would have got a job .
  3. If you worked hard ,you would get first position
  4. If he stopped smoking ,he would become healthy .
  5. We could win the match ,if we played well as a team
    B. Make three conditional sentences
  6. If I were young ,I would have helped the old man and the weak
  7. If you worked hard ,you would have won the first prize .
  8. We could buy that house if we had money
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