Answer the following question
Q1. What are the facts of drug addiction?
Ans. Drug addicted looks pale and intoxicated living in the world of fantasies. If forget every other thing and drug addiction causes permanent mental and physical sickness.His nerves system completely spoiled.
Q2. What are the causes of drug addiction?
Ans. The drug addiction is caused both by genetic and environmental factors. Which include metabolic structure home conditions psychological and other factors. Mostly people use drugs to relieve from their worries.
Q3. What important role do we rehabilitation centres play to control tab addiction?
Ans. The rehabilitation centres laser which will role to control drug addiction. Day centre strictly supervise the victims. Complete medical assistant and guidance is provided to addicted in the centres. Spirilial guidance is always provided by the specialist counselors.
Q4. What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction?
Ans. The process of counselling is much vitual rehabilitation of drug victim. It should be started very soon and the process must continue even after the drug abuser come out of the danger counselling gives courage and new hope to the addicts.

Q5. Why do families feel reluctant to take the victims to drug rehabilitation centres?
Ans .The family of that addicted reluctant to take them to centres for fear of being declared and outcast. This not only makes the care difficult but in most cases the victims die due to lack of treatment and counselling. People consider it family secret.
Q6. What are the responsibilities of the families for recovery of such patients?
Ans. The family members have to play an important role to ensure complete recovery of drug patients. They should critically examine the activities of drug addicts, motivate them Bell to lead a healthy life and for better motivation and adjustment they should follow the directions given by the specialist.

A. Use whom , who ,that , which ,whose in the following sentences?

  1. These are the colour pencils which I want to buy.
  2. I know the women whose child was hurt.
  3. The old lady whom we met in the shop was Amina’s grandmother.
  4. This is a girl who stood first in the class.
  5. Shazia like the candies that her father brought from the market.
  6. Anwar whom no one listened to was right .

B. Use the following relative pronoun in sentences?

  1. I am calling the man who is standing on the roof top.
  2. The book which is lying on the table is mine.
  3. I like the pen that my father gave me.
  4. He is the boy whom we met yesterday.
  5. I know the man whose house was sold.

C. Underline adjective clauses in the following?

  1. Details a table (that) sounds untrue. (adjective clause)
  2. Paper ( who) eat too much die early (adjective clause).
  3. I met the women’s (whose) son helped me.( adjective clause).
  4. He is the man (who) we all respect (adjective clause).
  5. I have a work (which) I must do (adjective clause)

D. Supply suitable adjective clause?

  1. Where is the book which I brought yesterday?
  2. Any student came late will be punished.
  3. The umbrella that is laying on the table is mine.
  4. That is the girl who stole my book.
  5. Where is the man who wants to see me.

E.Change the sentences into active voice?

  1. Drug addiction and alcoholism are caused both by genetic and environmental factors.
    Ans. Both genetic and environmental factors cause drug addiction and alcoholism.
  2. These factors can be supplemented by the environmental factors?
    Ans. The environment factors can supplement these factors.
  3. Complete medical support and guidance is provided to these people in centres by doctors.
    Ans. The doctors provide complete medical support and guidance to these people in the centres.
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