Notes9 ClassUNIT 1 - The Saviour Of Mankind -DETAILED NOTES

UNIT 1 – The Saviour Of Mankind -DETAILED NOTES

Class 09 – English book – Unit 01


Answer the following questions
Q1 .What type of land is Arabia ?
Ans .Arabia is a land of unique charm and beauty. It has trackless desert of sand dunes with dazzling race of tropical Sun. It has starry sky which excited imagination of poets and travellers .

Q2.Why was the Holy Quran send an Arabic?
Ans .The Holy Quran was sent in Arabic language because it is a compressive and living language. It was language of the Holy Prophet and Arabs but eloquent and proud of their language .They could learn long poems easily.

Q3.For which ability were the Arabs famous?
Ans .The Arabs were famous for their remarkable memory and eloquence .They could learn long poems and poetry easily. They were proud of their eloquence.

Q4.What was the condition of mankind before the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans. The mankind stood on the verge of chaos .The people were dipped in superstitious, ignorance and disbelief . There was no law, justice or moral values.

Q5.Why did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) stay in the cave of Hira?
Ans. When he reached their by 8 years age ,the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) stayed in the cave of Hira in solitude to meditate and remember Allah Almighty for days and weeks . He wanted to think someway eliminate the evils of society.

Q6.What was the first revelation ?
Ans. The first revolution received in the cave of Hira was;
‘Read in the name of your Lord who created man from clot of blood . Read and your lord is most merciful ,who taught by pen. Taught man what he knew not.”

Q7.Why did the Pagan Arabs threaten the Holy Prophet’s Uncle ?
Ans . The Pagan Arabs threatened Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W) Uncle to stop him from preaching of new faith , tawheed .This new faith , tawheed was threat to their prestige and dominance in the society . They did not want to leave their old practices.

Q8. What did Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) say about the life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ?
Ans. In reply to a question about the life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W).Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) said ;”His moral and character are an embodient of Holy Quran” . It means that life of Holy prophet was practical example of Quran.

Textual questions / Extra questions
Q1.Where Makkah is situated ?
Ans. Makkah is situated in Arabia , a land of unparalleled ,charm and beauty. It is 50 miles away from Red Sea.

Q2.What type of competitions were held at Ukaz ?
Ans . Every year a fair was held for political competitions at Ukaz. Where Arabs narrated long poems for every alphabet without taking into account short pieces to show their eloquence.

Q3.What was the mission of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)?
Ans . Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)mission was to destroyed Nexus of superstitious ignorance and disbelief, to set up a noble conception of life and lead mankind to light of faith and Divine bliss .His mission was also to eradicate social evils and cruelty.

Q4.Why did the pagan Arabs send a delegation to Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W.W) Uncle ?
Ans .On one occasion, pagan Arabs sent a delegation to Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W.W) kind and caring uncle, Abu Talib. They told him to restrain the Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W.W)from preaching ALLAH ALMIGHTY’S or face their enimty .


A. Consult a thesaurus and find out the synonyums of the following words ?

DazzlingExtremely bright
AbandonGive up/Leave
ImaginationFancy /Ideas
BestowedBlessed /Granted
SupersitionFalse Ideas

B.Match column A and B to find the exact meanings of the words .

Bestowed withConfer as gift
EverlastingNever –ending
EmbodimentLiving example


A.Choose the corect option

1. Underline abstract nouns in paragraph 4—-

(a)  Famed(b) Famous(c) Famously(d) Infamous

2.This is a very ——— seminar

(a)  Information(b) Informed(c) Informative (d) Informing

3. My mother becomes —–if I get home late .

(a)  Anxiety(b) Anxious(c) Anxieties(d) Anxiously

4.It is —— to get the correct in formation from the university office .

(a)  Advisable(b) Advisible(c) Advising(d) Advised

5. Who is —– for his chaos .

(a)  Responding(b) Responsible(c) Responsive(d) Responded

B.Conditional : Type 1 (open condition )

Conditional of this type tells us that something will happen if a certain conditions fullfilled .The condition may or may not be fullfilled .

C. Complete the sentences using correct form of verb .

Invite , go , play , sells, help , allow , win , inform , pass ,leave

  1. If I see Aslam I will invite him to dinner tomorrow.
  2. If I go out I will turn off the TV.
  3. If you play tricks on people they will not trust you again.
  4. If the farmer sells all the kiwi- fruit in the market he will be very pleased.
  5. I will help you with your homework if I can.
  6. I will allow you to ride my bike if you like.
  7. Will you pass a message to aunty Sofia if you see her?
  8. If you don’t leave now you will be late from school.
  9. When you inform me if you are going to be late?
  10. If he works hard he will win the competition.

D. Put the correct verb in the blank .

  1. I ——- living in this house. (Has been , Have been , Was , Will be )
  2. He —– here yesterday . (Has come , Came , Will come , come )
  3. If you —- I shall be available . (Will come , Come , Have come , Came )
  4. He —–take the examination next year . (will have , Will , Shall , Will be )
  5. He —–to us tomorrow . (Comes , Will come , Came , Had come )

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