Answer the following questions
Q1.Why is sultan Ahmed also known as blue mosque?
Ans. Sultan Ahmed mosque is one of the most impressive monuments of the world. It is known as blue mosque because of blue tiles that embellish interior.
Q2. Who was appointed as the architect of the mosque?
Ans. The construction of mosque was started in 1909 . Sedefhar Mehmat aga was appointed as the architect of the mosque and as the incharge of construction. He was the royal architect.
Q3. Why was a heavy chain hung in the upper part of court entrance?
Ans. The heavy iron change hunk to sultan to lower his head every time in order not to get hit.It was also a symbolic gesture and indicated the humility of the ruler in the front of the divine power.

Q4. How does the interior of the mosque look?
Ans. The interior at the lower level is line with more than 20,000 handmade ceramic tiles in more than 50 different tulips. At gallery lover there are designs of flowers fruits and and cypresses. The upper part is Adorned with blue paint more than 200 glass Windows and chandeliers illuminate it. Most important is the Mehrab more than finally craved with marble.
Q5. What does Royal Kisok mean?
Ans. Literally it means a shop a shore is used to refer to old ottoman style of building made of wood and clad with stones build for a wealthy person set in a garden and used for recreation here it means an open tent or heat chamber non in Turkey or Iran.
Q6. Why do you think madrasas and hossipies was a part of mosque?
Ans. It was a custom at that time to build mosque which has a tomb of founder a madrassa and a hosipice says says they are part of mosque madrassa was built for the students who came there for acquiring knowledge and hospires was there for ailling and the dependants people.
Q7. Who constructed mosque hagia Sofia?
Ans. It was constructed as a church by byzantine emperor. In 1453 the Ottoman turks under sultan Muhammed 2 conquered Constantinople . He converted the building into a mosque and he added four minarets to it
. It was closed for the public for four years in 1931 and was reopened in 1935 as a meseum.
Q8. Why was a separate royal room attached to the mosque?
Ans . It was built for state matters discussions , addresses and hearing complaints of public by the king . It was constructed as a custom of the time .

Extra questions
Q1. Wo started the constitution of the blue mosque?
Ans . Sultan Ahmed 1 started it’s construction.
Q2. In whose region the construction was completed ?
Ans. The construction was completed in the region of Mustafa 1 .
Q3. Where is the royal room situated ?
Ans. Royal room situated at the south east corner .
Q4. What makes blue mosque famous?
Ans . The unique design , structure ,marbles ,carving design and spacious area of blue mosque make it famous in the world.

A. Consult a treasure and find out the synonyms of the following words?

  1. Embellish. : Decorate , Beautify
  2. Integrate. : Unity , Harmonise , Unite .
  3. Splendour : Glory, Status.
  4. Majesty. : Grandeur , Sublimity , Highness
  5. Illuminate. : Brighten , Light up

B. Highlight the correct antonyms of the following?

  1. The sultan Muhammed mosque is the one of impressive monuments in the world .( Ugly , unimpressive, remarkable , beautiful)
  2. Situated in Istanbul ,the largest city in the Turkey ( smallest, greatest,populated ,largest)
  3. A heavy chain hung in the upper part of court entrance on the western side ( big ,bold ,light )
  4. The upper level of the interior is Adorned with the blue paint ( lower ,upper ,outer ,higher)
  5. The floors are covered with the carpets ( spread , exposed , decorated)

E. Choose the correct meaning of highlight word

  1. Monuments means ( nation , world,clan, memorable)
  2. Blue tiles embellish it’s interior (look,carve,appeal, decorate)
  3. Comprise means ( consists, family, memorable,work)
  4. Unfortunately means(as good luck,as a bad luck, luckily,Goodly )
  5. It was completed in the region of Mustafa 1 ( victory, conquest,rule , duration)
  6. Reflect means ( call , show , invite , persuade)
  7. Magnitude means (grandeur , style,size , beauty)
  8. This side was meant for sultan ( separate,local ,fixed , constructed)
  9. It was a symbolic gesture ( call ,token ,bury ,worry )
  10. Humility means ( modesty ,pride ,vain ,splender )
  11. Interior means (outer ,lower ,upper ,inner )
  12. Flamboyant means( foreign,native,different , brilliant)
  13. Adorned means ( liked , decorated , looked , killed)
  14. Intricate means (complicated,carved ,made ,good)
  15. Pulpit means ( bravely , boldly , splendidly , miserly)
  16. Frequently means ( repeatedly, boldly , splendidly, miserly)

A. Place the correct adverbs at appropriate positions?

  1. She comes here.
    Ans. She often comes here.
  2. He goes to Lahore .Ans. sometimes he goes to Lahore.
  3. The teacher was late.
    Ans. The teacher was hardly ever late .
  4. We are tired by the end of the day
    Ans. we were usually tired.
  5. I have posted letter to them.
    Ans. I have just posted letter to them.
  6. He did his work.
    Ans. He did his work carefully.
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