A. Answer the following questions
Q1.How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his Nation ?
Ans . Quaid-e-Azam had the strongest confidence in his Nation he said in a speech you are made of sterling material and second to none .He thought that Muslims where were a unique nation with unique qualities.
Q2. What was Quaid’s concept of our nation ?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam conceived of our nation to think beyond personal ,local, ethic or provincial identities and predijuices that the Muslim should become one compact whole and work collectively for strength of Muslims.

Q3.What was the ideology of Quaid-e-Azam based on ?
Ans. Ideology of Quaid-e-Azam was based on fundamental principle that the Muslims are an independent Nation. Any attempt too much their National and political identity will not be only strongly registered but it will prove futile.
Q4. What can be possible solution for our present problems ?
Ans. Unity in our ranks sinner , loyalty and working together for Pakistan only can be the possible solution to our present problems.
Q5. What would Quaid feel to see the present condition of the country and Nation?

Ans. Quaid would have been grief taken to see the present condition of the country and Nation as we have divided into bits and Pieces on certain issues.

Q6.How can we become a strong Nation?
Ans . We can becomes strong Nation if we observe unity, faith, , discipline and overcome the individual and provincial differences of our country .We should start to think beyond personal, local, sacaterian ,ethic or provincial identities and prejudicesand make Pakistan as a prosperous country.
Q7. What does love of our country demand for us ?
Ans. Love of our country demands us to rectify our mistakes, look forward and with strong determination of a bright future he should not fall up prey to fatal discusses like disunity ,disharmony and disintegration we must understand the very concept of nation as conceived by the Quaid.


Q1. Why did the guide have to take long tours during early days of independence?
Ans. He had to take long tour to raise people ‘s spirit.
Q2. Why did I want a oneness of the whole Nation ?
Ans.Quaid wanted to do so he wanted to make the whole Nations strong and prosperous.he knew unity of the nation is greatest strength.

Q3.Are we working according to the expectations of the great leader?

Ans. We are not working according to the expectations of great leaders.We are disUnited
We are not making Pakistan great and strong by collective and individual efforts.

Q4.What is the result of neglecting that advice e of Quaid-e-Azam ?
Ans. The result of eglecting that wise up guide is that we are facing various problems of local , lingual ,sactarin and prevention differences.

Q5.Why did Quaid-e-Azam ignore is ever falling health ?

Ans. Quaid-e-Azam ignored his falling health as he knew his leading role to Pakistan and lead Pakistan. It also demanded constant work to make some specific decisions.
Q6. Why did he always wish for a complete harmony and unity among the people of Pakistan ?
Ans . He knew very well that against the staunch force of English and Hindus unity was the strongest tool unity and harmony cause progress and strength.


A. Highlight the option from the underline (or colourful) words that relates to the text.

  1. We are nation he affirmed three year before the borth of Pakistan.(Told , said emphatically , broke in )
  2. Quaid was a man of strong belief and faith in religion (firm belief , powerful belief , wavering belief ).
  3. We are divided into bits and pieces on certain issues ( piece of cloth , broken into pieces , disUnited)
  4. Had we paid heed to his warnings and advise ( attended to , paid the debt , squared up )
  5. Time has come that we should look back to rectify our mistakes ( repair , streamline , correct)

B. Consult a treasure and find synonyms of the following words

MoralMettle , Confidence
VoyageJourney , Travel
AbstractNot concrete
ModerateControlled ,Judicious
DivertedDeviated , Deflected
DisintegrationState of Breaking up
CasualAccidental , incidental
UnshakableAbsolute , firm
RanksLine , range
IdeologyPhilosophy , dogma

C. Write the antonyms of the following words .

EntangledGot free

D. Use the following idoms in sentences

  1. Bits and pieces : The Muslims are divided into bits and pieces now a days.
  2. Man in the street: Even the man in the street is aware of political changes due to media .
  3. Raising the spirit : We should keep raising the spirit of our nation.
  4. Pass through : Pakistan is passing through difficult time at present
  5. Fall a prey : He fell a prey of smoking due to bad company

What is denotation
Denotation is a literal on dictionary meaning of word for example the word snake in a dictionary will have the donation meaning scaly and legless. The denotation therefore refer to the basic or specific meaning of word.

What is connotation
Connotation refers to the idea that is suggested by associated with the word. The connotation meanings of a word exist together with that the denotative meanings. The connotation for the snake could include even or danger it has the conversation of someone who cannot be trusted connotation can be positive or negative for example them can have a positive condition of smart negative connotation of skinny.

For each of the words given in column give one similar denotation and one positive or negative connotation

WordsDenotative meaningPositive connotationNegative connotation
SpinsterSpinnerOld maidWretched
FailNot succeedDwindleDecay

Avoid that modifies the meaning of verb ,an adjective ,or another adverb is called an adverb.
Adverb usually come in the following in a sentence.

  1. She was working beautifully (adverb of manner)
  2. She Sang a song at a concert ( adverb of place)
  3. She Sang a song last night (adverb of time)
    1.You are free to go to the mosque.
    2.He made people work.
    The words given in colourful written have no subject .We say that to go if the infiniteive of the verb . Sometimes to is used as an example here without to is infinitive of example

A gerund is that form of work with and send ING and it act as a noun.

  1. Singing is a good fun
  2. My favourite hobby singing
  3. I like singing

In above sentences singing the work of noun forming subject and object is here gerund.

Conditional type 3
Conditioner of this type say that something did not happen because a certain condition was not full filled.
Had be paid heed to his warnings and advise. Should not got entangle to the petty pursuits that brought fourth only disunity and disharmony among our ranks.
A. Find the kinds of adverbs in the lesson

  1. Adverb of frequency: in short, even .
  2. Adverb of place : Lahore, Homeland, temples.
  3. Adverb of degree: fully, entirely.
  4. Adverb of time: 3 years , today , early, 65 days.
  5. Adverb of manner : clearly, truly , bravely, dreamly.

B. Write five sentences using adverbs of manner place and time in correct sequence.

  1. Ali was writing neatly ( adverb of manner) in the examination hall at work of place yesterday (adverb of time)
  2. Ahmed is crying loudly in the class (adverb of place )now (adverb of time).
  3. She was laughing at the stage (adverb of workplace) last Monday( adverb of time)
  4. The boys running speedly (adverb of manner )at the college (adverb of place) last time( adverb of time.)
  5. We are singing sweetly (adverb of manner )at a consert (adverb of place) now (adverb of time.)

C. Complete this phrases by gerund and use the main sentences.
Good at learning, accused of stealing , sad at witnessing the dead ,tired of working

  1. Ahmed is good at learning Urdu
  2. Ali was accused of stealing money.
  3. She is sad at witnessing that dead.
  4. I am tired working now.

D. Complete the following conditional s

  1. If you have studied hard , you would have passed examination.
  2. If you had come to me I would have helped you.
  3. If I had seen him I would have greeted him.

E. Write 10 sentences using past perfect tense.

  1. Rain has stopped before we reached home .
  2. The peon had rang the bell before we reached School.
  3. I had written a letter before he asked me.
  4. The students had completed their homework before the teacher came.
  5. The match had become before we arrived.
  6. The sun had set before we reached home
  7. As soon as you had gone she came there.
  8. The patient had died before the doctor arrived.
  9. If he had come in time she would have made me.
  10. The train had left before we reached station.
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