NotesBs PhysicsDifference between intensive and extensive property state variable , state function...

Difference between intensive and extensive property state variable , state function and path function ? sample space , trial , enthalpy , free energy and event?

(Lec 5-6 )

Difference between intensive and extensive property ?

The property which don’t depend on mass (free from size   and shape ) .The property which depend on mass (shape and size ) .
For example : temperature , pressure , rowh e.t.cFor example : Mass , Energy , volume , Entholpy  e.t.c.

Difference between state variable , state function and path function ?

The variable with define the state of system is called STATE VARIABLE .’’The function whose value depend on initial and final state of a system independent of path following to change the state it does not depend on the past history it only depends on state of a system is called’’ STATE FUNCTION .’’Those functions which are dependent on path followed to reach that state are called ‘’ PATH FUNCTION ‘’
For example : Temperature , pressure , volume e.t.cFor example : all types of energies ( G,F,U,V,T).For example : Work , Heat .


The energy of thermodynamic system which can be converted into useful work is called free energy and it depends on some conditions constraints.

TYPES / cases :

(i) Internal Energy : from first law of thermodynamics

dQ= dU + PdV

dQ – PdV = dU

dU = dQ – P dV (eq 1 )

we know that dS = dQ /T

TdS = dQ (eq 2 )

putting 2 in 1 eq we get

dU = TdS -PdV eq 3 {useful relation }


dU = ( dU /dS )V dS + ( dU /dV ) S dV ( eq 4 )

comare eq 3 and 4 we get

T=dU/dS , P = -dU/dV

here U is known as thermodynamical potential .

(ii) Enthalpy :

H=U+PV ( eq 1 )

dH = dU +PdV+ V dP [differentiate eq 1 ]

putting dU value in above equation from case 1

dH = TdS –PdV +PdV +VdP

dH = TdS + U dP (eq 2 )

H = H(S,P)

dH = ( dH/dS )P dS+ ( dH/dP )S dP ( eq 3)

compareing eq 3 and 2 we get

T = (dH/dS )p ,V = ( dH/dP )s

where H is termodynamical potential .

(iii) Helmholtz free Energy .


dF =dU -TdS (eq 1 )

dF = TdS -PdV –TdS -SdT

dF = -PdV -S dT ( eq 2 )

F = ( V , T )

dF = ( dF /dV )t dT +(dF / dT )v dV ( eq 3 )

compare 2 and eq 3

P ( -dF /dV )p ,S = (-dF/dT)

where F is thermodynamical potential .

(iv) Gibbs’s Free Energy .

G=U+PV -TS (eq 1 0

differentiate above eq

dG = dU + PdV -TdS +VdP +SdT

putting value of dU in above eq

dG = TdSPdV +PdVTdS +VdP + SdT

dG = VdP +SdT (eq 2)

G= G(V,S )

dG + (dG/dV) dT + ( dG /dS ) dT ( eq 3 )

comapre eq 2 and eq 3 we get

= V = ( dG /dP )P and S = (dG /dT )P

here G is thermodynamical potential .

Some basic Concepts


Any experiment having unpredictable outcome is called trial.

for example = (i)executed performed according to the few present values. (ii)it should be repeated arbitary or randamly .


Possible outcome of any trial is called event.

for example = easy tossing a coin in this case possible outcomes head and tail.

Set of all possible outcomes of trial. ” or ” sample space is a collection or set of all possible outcomes of random experiment denoted by ”S” .

In case of tossing a coin S ={H,T} .

In case of throwing a dice ,S={1,2,3,4,5,6}

types of events

MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENT : two events aur mutually exclusive events if they cannot occurred same time.

By much will you save you mean that if one event occur than another cannot .

for example =you tossing a coin either it is head or tail.


Total number of possible outcomes in a trial .


that has some thoretical probability (or likehood )of occurring .

example = number on a dice is equally like occur when the dice is tossed .

COMPOUND EVENTS :compound events are two or more events that happen together .

for example =two coins are flipped or coin is flipped and then flipped a second time.


If we cannot predict the occurance of any event before it’s happening then we call it random events.


The event which will give you surely of occurance of any event is called favourable event .

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