lecture7-8 (special theory of realativity )


It seems there might be a small error in your request. It appears that you’re referring to “Minkowski,” not “minikowski.” Let me provide an explanation of “Minkowski” in the context of Minkowski spacetime.

Minkowski Spacetime:

Hermann Minkowski, a mathematician and former teacher of Albert Einstein, introduced the concept of Minkowski spacetime in 1908. Minkowski’s idea was to unite space and time into a single four-dimensional continuum, treating time as a fourth dimension.

In Minkowski spacetime, events are described by four coordinates:

three spatial coordinates (x, y, z) and one time coordinate (ct), where c is the speed of light. These coordinates are assembled into four-vectors, often denoted as X^\mu = (ct, x, y, z), where μ ranges from 0 to 3.

Minkowski Metric:

To describe the geometry of spacetime, Minkowski introduced the Minkowski metric, which defines the spacetime interval between two events. The Minkowski metric is represented by the following equation:


Here, ds is the spacetime interval, dt is the time interval, and dx, dy, and dz are the spatial intervals. The introduction of the negative sign in front of the time interval term is a key feature of Minkowski spacetime, distinguishing it from Euclidean space.

Invariance under Lorentz Transformations:

Minkowski spacetime is particularly important in the context of Special Relativity. The Minkowski metric is invariant under Lorentz transformations, which are mathematical transformations that describe how coordinates and time intervals change between different inertial frames of reference.

The spacetime interval 2ds2 remains the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This invariance under Lorentz transformations is a fundamental aspect of Minkowski spacetime and provides the mathematical foundation for the principles of Special Relativity.


  1. Unified Perspective: Minkowski spacetime provides a unified four-dimensional perspective, treating space and time on equal footing.
  2. Relativistic Invariance: The Minkowski metric captures the relativistic invariance of spacetime intervals, which is a cornerstone of Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity.
  3. Geometric Interpretation: The Minkowski metric allows for a geometric interpretation of relativistic phenomena, such as time dilation and length contraction.
  4. Energy-Momentum Four-Vector: The Minkowski metric is integral to expressing the energy-momentum four-vector, a concept crucial for understanding conservation laws in relativistic physics.

In summary, Minkowski spacetime is a mathematical framework that unifies space and time into a four-dimensional continuum. Its metric, with its distinct treatment of time, provides a foundation for understanding the geometric aspects of Special Relativity and the invariance of spacetime intervals under relativistic transformations.


The transformation of electric and magnetic fields for a particle with zero rest mass is a topic within the framework of special relativity. Let’s consider the transformation rules for electric and magnetic fields as observed in different inertial reference frames.

Electric Field Transformation:

In the rest frame (frame S) of a charge, the electric field (E) is described by Coulomb’s law. However, when we observe the same charge from a frame (′S′) in relative motion, the electric field transforms due to the relativistic effects of special relativity.

The transformed electric field (′E′) in the moving frame is related to the electric field in the rest frame (E) by the Lorentz transformation:





  • Ex​, Ey​, Ez​ are the components of the electric field in the rest frame.
  • Bx​ and By​ are the components of the magnetic field in the rest frame.
  • v is the relative velocity between the frames.
  • γ is the Lorentz factor,

Magnetic Field Transformation:

Similarly, the magnetic field (B) in the rest frame undergoes transformation when observed from a moving frame:





  • Bx​, By​,Bz​ are the components of the magnetic field in the rest frame.
  • Ex​ and Ey​ are the components of the electric field in the rest frame.

Zero Rest Mass Particle:

For a particle with zero rest mass, such as a photon, the Lorentz factor γ becomes infinite (γ=1−c2v2​​1​→∞). In this case, the transformations simplify:

For the electric field:




For the magnetic field:




These transformations highlight the interdependence of electric and magnetic fields in relativistic scenarios. The electric and magnetic fields are not independent, and their transformation laws are interconnected through the Lorentz transformation. In the case of a zero rest mass particle like a photon, the transformations exhibit specific simplifications due to the infinite Lorentz factor.

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