9 ClassenglishPHRASAL VERBS (best written +20)#grammer

PHRASAL VERBS (best written +20)#grammer

Phrasal verbs are combinations of verbs and particles (usually prepositions or adverbs) that together convey a different meaning than the individual words would separately. Here are some examples of phrasal verbs:

  1. Break up – to end a relationship
    • Example: “They decided to break up after years of dating.”
  2. Turn on – to activate or start something
    • Example: “Can you turn on the lights, please?”
  3. Run out – to use up the supply of something
    • Example: “We’ve run out of milk, I need to buy some more.”
  4. Look after – to take care of someone or something
    • Example: “I’ll look after your pets while you’re away.”
  5. Give up – to stop trying or doing something
    • Example: “Don’t give up on your dreams, keep working towards them.”
  6. Call off – to cancel something
    • Example: “They called off the meeting due to bad weather.”
  7. Take off – to remove clothing or to become airborne
    • Example: “It’s getting warm, I’m going to take off my jacket.”
    • Example: “The plane will take off in twenty minutes.”
  8. Get along – to have a good relationship with someone
    • Example: “I get along well with my coworkers.”
  9. Come across – to find or encounter unexpectedly
    • Example: “I came across an old photo album while cleaning the attic.”
  10. Look for – to search for something
    • Example: “I’m looking for my keys, have you seen them?”
  11. Set up – to establish or arrange something
    • Example: “They set up a new business together.”
  12. Put off – to delay or postpone something
    • Example: “We decided to put off the meeting until next week.”
  13. Bring up – to mention or introduce a topic
    • Example: “She brought up the issue during the discussion.”
  14. Look forward to – to anticipate or eagerly await something
    • Example: “I’m looking forward to my vacation next month.”
  15. Turn off – to deactivate or stop the operation of something
    • Example: “Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave.”
  16. Take on – to accept responsibility or a challenge
    • Example: “She’s taken on a new role in the company.”
  17. Run into – to unexpectedly encounter someone or something
    • Example: “I ran into an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.”
  18. Put up with – to tolerate or endure something unpleasant
    • Example: “I don’t know how she puts up with all the noise from her neighbors.”
  19. Break down – to stop functioning or to analyze something into smaller parts
    • Example: “My car broke down on the way to work.”
    • Example: “Let’s break down the problem and find a solution.”
  20. Call out – to publicly challenge or criticize someone
    • Example: “The protestors called out the government for its lack of action.”
  21. Bring about – to cause or make something happen
    • Example: “The new policy brought about significant changes in the organization.”
  22. Look up – to search for information or improve one’s mood
    • Example: “I’ll look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary.”
    • Example: “Things are finally looking up for him.”
  23. Break in – to enter a building unlawfully or to wear something until it fits comfortably
    • Example: “Someone tried to break in while we were away.”
    • Example: “I need to break in these new shoes before the event.”
  24. Turn out – to result or end in a particular way
    • Example: “The party turned out to be a great success.”
  25. Drop off – to deliver or leave someone or something at a specific location
    • Example: “Can you drop off the package at the post office on your way home?”
  26. Get over – to recover from an illness or emotional distress
    • Example: “It took her a long time to get over her breakup.”
  27. Show up – to appear or arrive, especially unexpectedly or without prior notice
    • Example: “He didn’t show up for the meeting, so we had to reschedule.”
  28. Hold on – to wait or pause for a short time
    • Example: “Hold on, I’ll be with you in just a moment.”
  29. Pick up – to collect or gather something or someone
    • Example: “I’ll pick up some groceries on my way home.”
  30. Put out – to extinguish a fire or to make an effort to assist or accommodate someone
    • Example: “She put out the fire before it spread.”
    • Example: “I can put out an extra chair for our guest.”
  31. Look into – to investigate or examine something
    • Example: “The authorities are looking into the matter.”
  32. Check out – to investigate or examine something or to leave a place, especially a hotel
    • Example: “Let’s check out the new restaurant downtown.”
    • Example: “I need to check out of the hotel by noon.”
  33. Bring down – to cause someone or something to fall or to reduce prices or levels
    • Example: “The strong winds brought down several trees.”
    • Example: “The company decided to bring down the prices to attract more customers.”
  34. Fill out – to complete a form or document by providing necessary information
    • Example: “Please fill out this application form and return it to us.”
  35. Give away – to distribute or provide something for free or to reveal a secret or information unintentionally
    • Example: “The organization gives away free meals to the homeless every week.”
    • Example: “She gave away the surprise party by accident.”
  36. Turn up – to increase in volume, intensity, or level or to arrive or appear
    • Example: “Can you turn up the music a little?”
    • Example: “She turned up late for the meeting.”
  37. Bring back – to return something to its original place or condition or to revive a memory or feeling
    • Example: “Please bring back the books you borrowed.”
    • Example: “The song brings back memories of my childhood.”
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