Introduction to Logic and Philosophy

Q1. Define the following terms concept /write short answers

(a) What is Utilirarianism ?

(b) What is Applied Ethics?

(c) What is Metaphysical Pluralism?

(d) What is the ”secondary quality ‘ of an object ?

(e) What is Coherentism?

Q2. Elaborate answers by giving practical examples and personal examples .

(a) Is there any scientific research that should be restricted or even banned on principle?

Why or why not ? More generally , are there any social values(ethical/moral) that justifiably limit the quest for knowledge ?

(b) What is ”Allegory of the Cave” and please explain what is Plato trying to imply with this Allergy ?

(c) Please explain how the environmental problems in Pakistan ,i.e water scarcity , air pollution , can be ethically addressed from a deontological and consequentialist prespective ?

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