Science SpotlightBiology & Life SciencesExploring the Mariana Trench in Detail

Exploring the Mariana Trench in Detail

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world’s oceans, located in the western Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and south of Japan. It is a crescent-shaped scar in the Earth’s crust and reaches depths of about 36,000 feet (nearly 11,000 meters) at its lowest point, known as the Challenger Deep. To put this into perspective, if Mount Everest were placed inside the Mariana Trench, its peak would still be over a mile underwater.

Key Details of the Mariana Trench:

  • Formation: It was formed by a process known as subduction, where one tectonic plate (the Pacific Plate) is forced under another (the Mariana Plate), creating a deep trench.
  • Extreme Conditions: At such depths, the pressure is over 1,000 times greater than at sea level, making it one of the most hostile environments on Earth. Temperatures near freezing and complete darkness prevail.
  • Unique Ecosystem: Despite these extreme conditions, life thrives. Microbes feed on chemicals from hydrothermal vents, and bizarre creatures like giant amoebas, snailfish, and crustaceans have adapted to live in this harsh environment.

Secrets of the Deep Ocean:

  1. Unknown Species: The deep ocean, including the Mariana Trench, holds many undiscovered species. Each expedition reveals new, previously unknown organisms, like strange jellyfish, tube worms, and bioluminescent creatures that create their own light in the dark depths.
  2. Gigantism: Some deep-sea creatures exhibit deep-sea gigantism, where species like giant squid, large isopods, or massive jellyfish grow to enormous sizes compared to their shallow-water relatives. Scientists believe this may be due to cold temperatures and scarce food availability.
  3. Alien-Like Landscapes: The trench floor is covered with mysterious formations like mud volcanoes and hydrothermal vents. These vents release superheated, mineral-rich water, fostering unique ecosystems where life thrives without sunlight—a concept that leads scientists to hypothesize that similar life forms might exist on other planets or moons with subsurface oceans, like Europa (one of Jupiter’s moons).
  4. Sound in the Deep: Despite the silence often associated with the deep ocean, scientists have detected mysterious sounds from the Mariana Trench, including unexplained noises like the “Bloop” in the 1990s, which was once speculated to be of biological origin. Such sounds may come from marine life or geological activity but are yet to be fully understood.
  5. Human Impact: Despite its remoteness, traces of human activity have reached the depths of the Mariana Trench. Plastic waste, including bags and microplastics, have been found even at these depths, highlighting the far-reaching effects of pollution.

Exploration of the trench continues to push the boundaries of technology, with unmanned and manned submersibles diving to the trench’s depths, seeking to uncover more of its mysteries.

What is the Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is an oceanic trench that sits to the south-east of the Mariana Islands in the western region of the Pacific Ocean. Its deepest point is thought to be approximately 11,034 metres below the surface of the sea, although the very lowest section to have been accurately measured, known as Challenger Deep, lies at 10,911 metres. This makes Challenger Deep the deepest-known point on the Earth’s seabed. If Mount Everest were located here, it would still sit two kilometres below the waves.

Oceanic trenches are depressions in the sea floor and are a common feature of the Earth’s plate tectonics – there are more than 50 major ocean trenches worldwide, although the deepest (including the Mariana Trench) can be found along the Ring of Fire, a line of active volcanoes that encircles the Pacific Ocean. Trenches mark the location of convergent plate boundaries, where two plates collide, forcing one beneath the other and creating a deep chasm or trench in the Earth’s surface.

The Mariana Trench was first discovered in 1875 by the crew of the British ship H.M.S Challenger (after which Challenger Deep was named) and was explored again by H.M.S Challenger II in 1951, with a better degree of accuracy. Since then, measurements of the trench have been collected and it is estimated that as well as its astonishing depth, the trench is 2,550 kilometres long and 69 kilometres wide.

What is in the Mariana Trench?

From the ocean’s surface to the dark depths below, the climate of the trench is both varied and sometimes extreme. It is made up of active mud volcanoes and bubbling pockets in the floor that release sulphur and carbon dioxide. At the bottom of the trench the temperature sits between 1–4℃ and no light penetrates the area. Yet even in conditions of extreme darkness and pressure (the water pressure at the bottom is more than 1,071 times that found at sea level) life can still thrive.

A mud sample taken at Challenger Deep by Japanese oceanographers revealed approximately 200 different species of microorganism, including types of microscopic plankton and shells. The most common creatures in the trench include saucer-sized, single-celled xenophyophores, which feed on sediment. There are also amphipods, which are large shrimp-like scavengers, and small sea cucumbers called holothurians.

Larger species have also been found living at remarkable depths within the trench, including the hadal snailfish – a small, pink and completely scaleless species found living at depths of almost 8,200 metres (27,000 feet). With skin so transparent that you can see right through to its liver, it holds the record for the deepest fish captured on the seafloor. The deep-sea dragonfish – a predator that features a giant set of teeth much bigger than its body – also plumbs the depths between 213 to 1,828 metres. In between, researchers have identified dumbo octopus, zombie worms and deep-water jellyfish.

The deepest rock samples ever obtained have also been collected in the Mariana Trench – taken from the inner slope of the trench – and represent the earliest volcanic eruptions of the Mariana island arc. When analysed, scientists can glean information on the trench’s geology system to further understand its formation.

Recent research has also found a newly-identified virus at a depth of 8900 metres (more than 29,000 feet) in the Mariana Trench – the deepest-located virus ever discovered there. The virus is a bacteriophage – one of the most abundant life forms on the planet – a type of virus that infects and replicates inside bacteria. Since 2009, over 3,000 research studies have been published on the Mariana Trench, with nearly half including information on bacteria discovery or understanding the qualities of these bacteria more clearly.

As humans, we are unable to venture very far into the Mariana Trench due to the bone-crushing pressure deep beneath the ocean’s surface. It is so strong that most deep-sea machinery struggles to function, making data collection very difficult. Although scientists and oceanographers are always looking for new ways to gather this information, there is likely plenty more to discover.

Mariana Trench diagram

Humans and the trench

Only a handful of people have successfully completed a dive into the furthest reaches of the Mariana Trench. The first descent happened on 23 January 1960 and was carried out by US navy lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss oceanographer and explorer Jacques Piccard. They dove for an impressive five hours to a depth of 10,912 metres (although more accurate measurements would later reveal the trench to be very slightly shallower) in a submersible called the Trieste, providing scientists with more information about its conditions and the potential for research. The two explorers were able to send to a message to a ship on the surface – but the vast distance between them and the ship meant it took 7 seconds to communicate using their hydrophone.

On looking out of their porthole, Walsh and Piccard saw thousands of glowing creatures: ‘Bioluminescence is rampant in the abyss,’ Walsh later said, ‘even out where we were, which is not a very thickly populated part of the ocean, because there aren’t that many nutrients out that far from land.’

More than 50 years later after the first descent, in 2012, filmmaker James Cameron made history by becoming the first person to make a solo dive to Challenger Deep. His descent took 70 minutes. Cameron’s submersible – the Deepsea Challenger – was much more sophisticated than the earlier Trieste. Cameron arrived at the bottom with the technology to collect scientific data and specimens not possible during the earlier mission. Cameron spent hours hovering over Challenger Deep’s desert-like seafloor collecting samples and video as he went.

In May 2019, American naval officer Victor Viscovo completed the deepest manned sea dive ever recorded, reaching 10,927 metres at the southern end of the trench. Viscovo’s expedition gave researchers new information, including the fact that the bottom of the trench isn’t flat as once thought but rather made of planes and ridges. Four new species were discovered along with an unexpected encounter: a plastic bag and some sweet wrappers.

More recently, still, in March 2021, Richard Garriott became the latest individual to visit the Mariana Trench. His expedition also claimed him the impressive title of being the first person to visit both North and South poles, the International Space Station and the deepest trench of the world’s oceans.

In July 2023, retired Navy Capt. Don Walsh – who was part of the two-man crew that first reached the Mariana Trench in 1960 – passed away.

In the future, most exploration of the trench will take place using unmanned vehicles, but there will always be those looking to test the limits of both man and machine.

Pollution in the trench

In addition to the discovery of plastic in the trench, it is known to contain other pollutants. While sampling amphipods from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, a research team led by scientists at Newcastle University discovered extremely high levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the organisms’ fatty tissues. These included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chemicals commonly used as electrical insulators and flame retardants, according to a study published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. These POPs were released into the environment through industrial accidents and landfill leakages from the 1930s until the 1970s, when they were finally banned.

A 2018 paper in the journal Geochemical Perspectives also found that microplastics are common in the lowest waters of the Mariana Trench.

What else could be down there?

Despite the pioneering research that has taken place in the Mariana Trench, it remains largely unexplored. This is true for the rest of the ocean too. Scientists believe that humans have only adequately explored around eight per cent of the world’s oceans, although the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, which is working to collect all available data on the world’s oceans, has mapped out roughly a fifth of the ocean floor.

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