Course: Classical Novel (9058)assignment 2 solved

Course: Classical Novel (9058)                                          Semester: Spring, 2024


(Units 5-9)

 Q.1      Examine how gender roles and societal expectations influence and shape characters’ perception and behaviour in the novel “Pride and Prejudice. Also discuss how major characters confront of conform to the societal expectations of ideal gender behaviour

Ans: In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen critically examines how gender roles and societal expectations shape the characters’ perceptions, behavior, and life choices. The novel is set in a society where strict expectations dictate how men and women should behave, and where these expectations heavily influence personal relationships, social standing, and marriage prospects. The characters in the novel either confront or conform to these societal norms in various ways, which ultimately defines their development and outcomes.

1. Gender Roles and Societal Expectations

2. Characters Conforming to Societal Expectations

3. Characters Confronting Societal Expectations

4. Societal Expectations and Gender Behavior


In Pride and Prejudice, gender roles and societal expectations profoundly influence the characters’ perceptions, behavior, and choices. While some characters, like Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins, conform to these expectations, others, like Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, challenge and ultimately redefine them. Austen uses these contrasts to critique the limitations imposed by society and to advocate for more genuine, individual expressions of self, love, and moral integrity. The novel thus becomes a commentary on the tension between societal expectations and personal fulfillment, with its characters’ varying responses offering a nuanced exploration of these themes.

Q.2      Love and obsession are central themes in the novel Wuthering Heights as depicted through the characters of Heathcliff and Catherine who navigate the blurred lines between love, possession and obsession. Discuss this statement by citing suitable textual evidence

Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë explores the complex and intertwined themes of love and obsession, particularly through the characters of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Their relationship blurs the lines between deep, passionate love and destructive obsession, resulting in a tragic and turbulent narrative. Brontë uses their intense connection to delve into the darker aspects of human emotion and the consequences of allowing love to transform into an all-consuming obsession.

1. Love and Obsession: The Relationship Between Heathcliff and Catherine

2. Possession vs. Love

3. Consequences of Love and Obsession


In Wuthering Heights, love and obsession are portrayed as intertwined forces that drive the characters of Heathcliff and Catherine. Their relationship, marked by an intense, all-consuming passion, blurs the boundaries between love and possession, leading to tragic outcomes. Brontë uses their story to explore the darker aspects of human emotion, revealing how love, when corrupted by obsession, can become destructive and ruinous. Through powerful and evocative language, Brontë captures the complexities of love and obsession, making Wuthering Heights a timeless exploration of the human heart’s capacity for both profound love and equally profound despair.

Q.3      Explore the conflict between individuality and societal expectations as depicted through the character of Maggie Tulliver. How does she struggle to reconcile her own desires and aspirations within the constraints imposed by her family and society?

Ans: In George Eliot’s novel The Mill on the Floss, the character of Maggie Tulliver is portrayed as a young woman caught in the tension between her individuality and the societal expectations of the 19th-century English society in which she lives. Maggie’s struggle to reconcile her personal desires, intellectual aspirations, and emotional needs with the rigid constraints imposed by her family and society is a central theme of the novel. Her journey reflects the broader conflict between personal identity and the societal norms that dictate acceptable behavior, particularly for women.

1. Maggie’s Individuality

2. Societal Expectations and Constraints

3. Maggie’s Struggle for Reconciliation


Maggie Tulliver’s character in The Mill on the Floss embodies the conflict between individuality and societal expectations. Her intellectual and emotional depth set her apart from the conventional roles prescribed for women, leading to a life marked by struggle and internal conflict. Despite her attempts to reconcile her desires with her duties to her family and society, Maggie ultimately finds herself trapped by the rigid constraints of her environment. George Eliot uses Maggie’s character to explore the challenges faced by individuals who seek to assert their personal identity in a society that demands conformity, highlighting the often tragic consequences of this conflict.

Q.4      Discuss Dickens treatment of ‘David Copperfield’ as a form of social critique by highlighting various aspects of Victorian society such as poverty, social class inequality and ill treatment of women and children.

Ans:Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield is a novel that serves as a powerful social critique of Victorian society. Through the experiences of the protagonist, David Copperfield, and the various characters he encounters, Dickens explores issues such as poverty, social class inequality, and the ill treatment of women and children. These themes are intricately woven into the narrative, offering insights into the harsh realities of Victorian England and serving as a critique of the societal norms and structures of the time.

1. Poverty and Its Consequences

2. Social Class Inequality

3. Ill Treatment of Women

4. Ill Treatment of Children


In David Copperfield, Charles Dickens uses the experiences of his characters to critique various aspects of Victorian society, including poverty, social class inequality, and the ill treatment of women and children. Through vivid and often heartbreaking portrayals, Dickens exposes the harsh realities faced by the vulnerable and marginalized in his society, while also calling for greater compassion and social reform. The novel serves as both a powerful narrative and a pointed social commentary, reflecting Dickens’s deep concern for the social issues of his time and his desire to see a more just and humane society.

Q.5      Examine the role of Tess as a tragic heroine in the novel. How does Hardy evoke sympathy and empathy for her character despite her flaws? Also discuss the impact of her fate on the readers’ understanding of ideas like justice, compassion and the human survival conditions.

Ans: In Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Tess is portrayed as a tragic heroine whose life and experiences evoke deep sympathy and empathy from readers. Hardy’s depiction of Tess’s plight, combined with her inherent virtues and the harsh realities she faces, underscores themes of justice, compassion, and human survival. Through Tess’s character and her tragic fate, Hardy explores the interplay between individual suffering and societal norms, challenging readers to reconsider their notions of morality and justice.

1. Tess as a Tragic Heroine

2. Evoking Sympathy and Empathy

3. Impact on Understanding Justice, Compassion, and Human Survival


In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy crafts Tess as a tragic heroine whose life and suffering serve as a powerful critique of Victorian society. Through Tess’s character, Hardy explores themes of justice, compassion, and human survival, challenging readers to confront the moral and social inequalities of his time. By evoking deep sympathy and empathy for Tess, Hardy invites readers to question societal norms and reflect on the broader implications of individual suffering and societal injustice. Tess’s tragic fate becomes a poignant commentary on the need for greater compassion and understanding in the face of human suffering.

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