AIOU AssignmentsCourse 1423 AIOU solved assignment 1

Course 1423 AIOU solved assignment 1

Course: Compulsory English-I 1423/9407/5404              Semester: Spring, 2024

Level: BA/ BS/ Associate degree


(Units 1–4)

Q.1      Suppose your cousin has recently qualified CSS exam and you are interested to follow him/her in your educational career but you have no idea about the entry requirements and procedural aspects of CSS, Written questions you will ask your cousin to obtain maximum information about the entire course of action from applying to qualify the exam.

To gather detailed information from your cousin about the CSS exam, you could ask the following questions:

  1. Entry Requirements:
    • What are the eligibility criteria for appearing in the CSS exam?
    • Are there any specific educational qualifications required?
    • Is there an age limit for candidates?
  2. Application Process:
    • What is the procedure for applying to the CSS exam?
    • When does the application period open, and what is the deadline?
    • Are there any specific documents or certifications needed for the application?
  3. Exam Structure:
    • Can you explain the structure and format of the CSS exam?
    • How many papers are there, and what are the subjects covered?
    • What is the weightage of each paper in the overall exam?
  4. Preparation:
    • How did you prepare for the CSS exam? Can you share any specific study resources or strategies?
    • Are there any recommended books or study materials for each subject?
    • Did you take any coaching classes or join any study groups?
  5. Syllabus:
    • What is the detailed syllabus for each paper in the CSS exam?
    • Are there any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern from year to year?
  6. Exam Pattern:
    • What is the pattern of questions (e.g., multiple-choice, essay, etc.)?
    • How is the written part of the exam structured, and what is the duration of each paper?
  7. Scoring and Results:
    • How is the exam scored, and what is the passing criteria?
    • How long does it take to receive the results after the exam?
  8. Interview and Other Stages:
    • After passing the written exam, what are the subsequent stages of the CSS selection process?
    • What is the interview process like, and how should one prepare for it?
  9. Common Challenges:
    • What are some common challenges or pitfalls candidates face while preparing for the CSS exam?
    • How did you overcome any difficulties during your preparation?
  10. Personal Experience:
    • Can you share your personal experience and any tips for someone who is new to this exam?
    • What do you wish you had known before starting your preparation?

These questions should help you get a comprehensive understanding of the CSS exam and guide you through the process.

Q.2      Observe your elder sibling’s daily activities closely for a few days and then write a brief and concise paragraph about his/her daily routine. The paragraph must be both cohesive and coherent.

Over the past few days, I’ve observed my elder sibling’s daily routine, which is marked by a structured and disciplined schedule. Each morning begins with an early rise around 6:00 AM, followed by a brief workout session and a healthy breakfast. By 8:00 AM, they are focused on their work, often tackling complex tasks and attending virtual meetings until noon. After a quick lunch, they resume work until 4:00 PM, when they take a break to unwind with a book or a walk. Evenings are dedicated to personal development, including online courses or skill-building activities. Dinner is at 7:00 PM, after which they spend time with family or catch up on current events. The day concludes with some relaxation before bed, ensuring they are well-rested for the next day’s responsibilities.


  • 6:00 AM: Wake up early and start the day with a brief workout session, including stretching and cardio exercises.
  • 6:30 AM: Prepare and enjoy a healthy breakfast, often consisting of oatmeal, fruits, and a cup of coffee or tea.
  • 7:00 AM: Shower and get ready for the day, including dressing for work and organizing necessary materials.
  • 8:00 AM: Begin work, focusing on tasks such as project development, email correspondence, and virtual meetings with colleagues.
  • 12:00 PM: Take a short break for lunch, typically opting for a balanced meal like a salad or a sandwich.
  • 1:00 PM: Resume work, tackling ongoing projects, attending additional meetings, and completing administrative tasks.
  • 4:00 PM: Take a mid-afternoon break to relax, which may include reading a book, going for a walk, or engaging in a hobby.
  • 5:00 PM: Continue with work-related activities, if needed, or start winding down by reviewing daily accomplishments and planning for the next day.
  • 6:00 PM: Finish work and transition to personal time, which may involve catching up on news, socializing with family, or engaging in leisure activities.
  • 7:00 PM: Prepare and have dinner, often a well-balanced meal, followed by quality time with family or friends.
  • 8:00 PM: Spend time on personal development activities such as online courses, skill-building exercises, or hobbies.
  • 9:00 PM: Relax and unwind, which may include watching TV, reading, or listening to music.
  • 10:00 PM: Prepare for bed, including a nighttime routine such as brushing teeth and setting out clothes for the next day.
  • 10:30 PM: Go to bed, ensuring a good night’s sleep to be well-rested for the following day.

Q.3   In section C of Unit 2, you have learnt synonyms and antonyms as part of vocabulary. Write down the synonyms and antonyms of the following words. And then make at least one sentence on each antonym.       

               i.    Below

           ii.   Clean

               iii. Huge

               iv. Deep

               v.   Cool

               vi   Admit

               vii.       Accept

               viii. Big

               ix. Better

               x.   Behind

               xi.  Large

               xii. False

               xiii.      Fast

               xiv.      Infant

               xv.       Start

Ans :Here are the synonyms and antonyms for the given words, along with sentences using each antonym:

  1. Below
    • Synonyms: Under, beneath, lower
    • Antonyms: Above, over
      • Sentence: The airplane flew high above the clouds.
  2. Clean
    • Synonyms: Neat, spotless, pure
    • Antonyms: Dirty, unclean
      • Sentence: The once pristine kitchen had become dirty after the party.
  3. Huge
    • Synonyms: Enormous, gigantic, massive
    • Antonyms: Small, tiny
      • Sentence: The tiny house on the hill seemed dwarfed by the surrounding mansions.
  4. Deep
    • Synonyms: Profound, bottomless, intense
    • Antonyms: Shallow, superficial
      • Sentence: The lake was shallow near the shore, making it safe for children to swim.
  5. Cool
    • Synonyms: Refreshing, chill, pleasant
    • Antonyms: Warm, hot
      • Sentence: The hot sun made the beach unbearable without sunscreen.
  6. Admit
    • Synonyms: Confess, acknowledge, allow
    • Antonyms: Deny, refuse
      • Sentence: She refused to deny her involvement in the project despite the accusations.
  7. Accept
    • Synonyms: Receive, embrace, agree
    • Antonyms: Reject, decline
      • Sentence: He decided to decline the job offer due to the low salary.
  8. Big
    • Synonyms: Large, huge, massive
    • Antonyms: Small, tiny
      • Sentence: The tiny puppy fit comfortably in the palm of her hand.
  9. Better
    • Synonyms: Superior, improved, enhanced
    • Antonyms: Worse, inferior
      • Sentence: The inferior quality of the second-hand item was evident compared to the new one.
  10. Behind
    • Synonyms: At the back of, after, following
    • Antonyms: In front of, ahead
      • Sentence: The car was parked ahead of the line, making it difficult for others to maneuver.
  11. Large
    • Synonyms: Big, vast, sizable
    • Antonyms: Small, tiny
      • Sentence: The tiny room barely had enough space for a single bed.
  12. False
    • Synonyms: Untrue, incorrect, deceptive
    • Antonyms: True, accurate
      • Sentence: The accurate report corrected the previous false information.
  13. Fast
    • Synonyms: Quick, rapid, speedy
    • Antonyms: Slow, sluggish
      • Sentence: The sluggish response from the server caused a delay in the application.
  14. Infant
    • Synonyms: Baby, newborn, toddler
    • Antonyms: Adult, grown-up
      • Sentence: The grown-up students were excited to start their new academic year.
  15. Start
    • Synonyms: Begin, commence, initiate
    • Antonyms: Finish, end
      • Sentence: The end of the presentation marked the beginning of a lively discussion.

Q.4      Write an informal letter to one of your nephews and express your apologies for not being able to attend his wedding ceremony

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Dear [Nephew’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well and brimming with excitement as your big day approaches. I wanted to take a moment to express how truly sorry I am that I won’t be able to attend your wedding ceremony.

It breaks my heart to miss such an important event in your life. I was really looking forward to being there, celebrating with you, and witnessing you and [Nephew’s Spouse’s Name] start this new chapter together. Unfortunately, due to [explain your reason briefly, e.g., a prior work commitment, health reasons, or travel constraints], I won’t be able to make it.

Please know that I will be thinking of you and sending all my love and best wishes your way on your special day. I’m sure it will be a beautiful ceremony filled with joy, love, and wonderful memories.

I hope to see you both soon and hear all about the wedding. Maybe we can plan a get-together afterward to celebrate your union in person. Wishing you and [Nephew’s Spouse’s Name] a lifetime of happiness, love, and endless adventures together.

Congratulations once again, and I can’t wait to see the photos and hear all about it!

With all my love,

[Your Name]

Q.5   In Section A of Unit 2. you have read about how to seek confirmation and how to make confirmation questions. Suppose someone has given you the following statements, how will you ask for confirmation and use tag questions? Follow the example.                                                             

         Example:   Someone: I have 11 children.                                    You: you have 11 children. Haven’t you?

  1. Ali has visited sixteen countries.
  2. I was here early morning.
  3. He doesn’t have six fingures in his left hand.
  4. I have walked all the way from Murree to Islamabad.
  5. Your phone number is 03023456789.

Ans: here are the confirmation questions using tag questions based on the given example format:

i. Someone: Ali has visited sixteen countries.
You: Ali has visited sixteen countries, hasn’t he?

ii. Someone: I was here early morning.
You: You were here early morning, weren’t you?

iii. Someone: He doesn’t have six fingers on his left hand.
You: He doesn’t have six fingers on his left hand, does he?

iv. Someone: I have walked all the way from Murree to Islamabad.
You: You have walked all the way from Murree to Islamabad, haven’t you?

v. Someone: Your phone number is 03023456789.
You: Your phone number is 03023456789, isn’t it?

Q.6   In Section A of Unit 4, expressing possibility and impossibility is taught to you. Write about your plans, intentions, wishes, and dreams that you think will perhaps come true. (five sentences) and the things that you think might not be possible to happen (five sentences). Follow the example.

         Example:   I may get married this year.

                           I might not get promotion this year.

Ans:Things That May Happen:

  1. I might travel to Japan next year.
  2. I may start a new job in the technology sector.
  3. I could finish writing my novel by the end of this year.
  4. I might buy a new car this summer.
  5. I may learn to play the guitar.

Things That Might Not Happen:

I may not be able to adopt a pet this year.

I might not move to a new city anytime soon.

I may not complete my master’s degree this year.

I could miss out on attending my favorite band’s concert.

I might not renovate my house this winter.

Q.7   Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents of the book.                     

Based on the cover image of the “Children’s Atlas Book: Explore the World’s Treasures,” here are ten predictions about the contents of the book:

  1. Maps and Geography: The book will likely contain detailed maps of various countries and continents, highlighting important geographical features.
  2. Cultural Information: It may provide information about the cultures, traditions, and customs of different regions around the world.
  3. Historical Facts: The book could include historical facts and significant events related to different parts of the world.
  4. Famous Landmarks: There will probably be sections dedicated to famous landmarks and monuments from various countries.
  5. Wildlife and Nature: The book might feature information about the unique wildlife and natural wonders found in different regions.
  6. Interactive Elements: Given that it’s a children’s book, there could be interactive elements like quizzes, puzzles, and fun facts to engage young readers.
  7. Illustrations and Photos: The book will likely have colorful illustrations and photographs to visually represent the information.
  8. Exploration and Adventure: There may be stories or sections about famous explorers and their adventures in discovering new lands.
  9. Educational Activities: The book might include educational activities such as drawing maps, identifying countries, and learning new vocabulary related to geography.
  10. Environmental Awareness: It could have sections that teach children about environmental conservation and the importance of protecting our planet.

Q.8      Suppose one of your friend has joined police service. Suggest him/her some suitable ways to improve law and order situation in the country

here are some suggestions for your friend to improve the law and order situation in the country:

  1. Community Policing:
    • Engage with local communities to build trust and cooperation. Regularly attend community meetings and events to understand the concerns and issues faced by residents.
  2. Increased Patrols:
    • Increase the presence of police in high-crime areas through regular patrolling. This can deter criminal activities and provide a sense of security to the public.
  3. Training and Professional Development:
    • Encourage continuous training for police officers on the latest crime-fighting techniques, use of technology, and handling sensitive situations with empathy and professionalism.
  4. Technology Integration:
    • Utilize advanced technology like surveillance cameras, drones, and data analytics to monitor and prevent criminal activities. Implementing crime mapping software can help in identifying crime hotspots.
  5. Strengthening Intelligence Gathering:
    • Improve intelligence gathering methods to stay ahead of criminal activities. Collaborate with other law enforcement agencies to share information and resources.
  6. Public Awareness Campaigns:
    • Conduct awareness campaigns to educate the public about safety measures, reporting suspicious activities, and the importance of community cooperation in maintaining law and order.
  7. Youth Engagement Programs:
    • Develop programs to engage youth in positive activities, providing them with opportunities for education, employment, and recreation. This can help in preventing them from getting involved in criminal activities.
  8. Streamlining Judicial Processes:
    • Work closely with the judicial system to ensure swift and fair trials. Reducing the backlog of cases and ensuring timely justice can enhance public confidence in the legal system.
  9. Addressing Root Causes:
    • Identify and address the root causes of crime such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education. Collaborate with other government departments and NGOs to create comprehensive solutions.
  10. Transparency and Accountability:
    • Ensure transparency and accountability within the police force. Implement strict measures against corruption and misconduct to maintain public trust in the law enforcement agencies.
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