AIOU Assignments8604Code 8604 Assignment 1 Solved

Code 8604 Assignment 1 Solved

Course: “Research Methods in Education” (8604)             Semester: Spring, 2024

Level: B. Ed (1.5 Years)


(Unit 1-5)

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Q. 1     Discuss scientific method as a tool of acquiring knowledge. Compare it with various steps in the research process.

Ans; Scientific Method as a Tool of Acquiring Knowledge

The scientific method is a systematic approach used to investigate phenomena, acquire new knowledge, or correct and integrate previous knowledge. It is based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. The scientific method is foundational in fields such as natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering, and it consists of several key steps designed to ensure objectivity and reproducibility in research.

Steps of the Scientific Method

  1. Observation: The process begins with careful observation of the world around us, identifying phenomena that need explanation.
  2. Question: Based on the observation, a specific, measurable, and researchable question is formulated.
  3. Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested through experimentation or further observation. It must be falsifiable, meaning that it can be proven wrong.
  4. Experimentation: Experiments are conducted to test the hypothesis. This involves manipulating variables to determine if changes produce consistent and reliable effects. Controls and repetition are crucial to validate results.
  5. Data Collection and Analysis: Data from experiments is collected systematically and analyzed using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods.
  6. Conclusion: Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn about whether the data supports or refutes the hypothesis.
  7. Publication and Peer Review: Results are often published in scientific journals where they undergo peer review, allowing other scientists to evaluate and replicate the study.
  8. Theory Development: If a hypothesis is consistently supported, it may contribute to the development of a theory, which is a broader, well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world.

Comparison with Steps in the Research Process

The research process shares many similarities with the scientific method but is often broader and more adaptable to different fields of study, including humanities and social sciences. The steps in the research process can be compared as follows:

  1. Identifying the Research Problem: Similar to the observation and question stages in the scientific method, this step involves recognizing a gap in knowledge or a specific problem to be addressed.
  2. Review of Literature: Before formulating a hypothesis, researchers conduct a literature review to understand what has already been discovered, identify gaps, and refine their research question. This step is critical in ensuring that the research is grounded in existing knowledge.
  3. Formulation of Hypothesis or Research Questions: This step corresponds to the hypothesis stage in the scientific method. In qualitative research, specific hypotheses may not be formulated; instead, research questions guide the investigation.
  4. Research Design: This involves planning how the research will be conducted, which includes selecting methods, sampling techniques, and determining how data will be collected and analyzed. It is analogous to the experimentation step in the scientific method but may include surveys, case studies, or qualitative methods, depending on the field.
  5. Data Collection: This step is similar to the experimentation and data collection stages of the scientific method. Researchers gather data using various tools and methods suitable for their study.
  6. Data Analysis: Similar to the data analysis step in the scientific method, this involves analyzing the collected data to uncover patterns, relationships, or insights.
  7. Interpretation of Results: Researchers interpret their findings in the context of the research question or hypothesis. This step parallels the conclusion stage in the scientific method.
  8. Reporting and Dissemination: Researchers share their findings through publications, presentations, or reports, much like the publication and peer review step in the scientific method.
  9. Reflection and Further Research: Often, the research process ends with recommendations for further research, which can lead to new hypotheses and studies, much like the iterative nature of the scientific method.

Key Differences

  • Flexibility: The scientific method is highly structured and emphasizes empirical testing and hypothesis falsification. In contrast, the research process can be more flexible, accommodating different methodologies, including qualitative research that may not involve hypothesis testing.
  • Application: The scientific method is predominantly used in natural sciences and involves controlled experiments, whereas the research process is applicable across various disciplines, including humanities, where it might involve non-experimental methods.
  • Objective vs. Subjective: The scientific method aims for objectivity and replicability. The research process, especially in fields like social sciences and humanities, may allow for more subjective interpretation based on context and researcher perspective.


The scientific method and the broader research process are both vital tools for acquiring knowledge. While they share many steps and principles, the scientific method is more rigid and focused on hypothesis testing, while the research process is adaptable to various disciplines and research questions. Both methods emphasize systematic inquiry, evidence-based conclusions, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Q. 2     Compare and contrast the types of research. Why and where we use these types (basic, applied action) research to discuss educational phenomena.

Types of Research: Comparison and Contrast

Research can be broadly categorized into three main types: basic research, applied research, and action research. Each type has distinct goals, methodologies, and applications, particularly in the context of educational phenomena.

1. Basic Research

Definition: Basic research, also known as fundamental or pure research, is aimed at expanding the knowledge base by exploring fundamental principles and theories without any immediate practical application in mind.


  • Objective: To increase understanding of basic principles and theories.
  • Focus: Often theoretical, focusing on generalizations and abstract concepts.
  • Methods: Uses rigorous experimental and analytical methods.
  • Outcome: Generates new knowledge and theories, which can serve as a foundation for applied research.

Example in Education: Investigating the cognitive processes involved in learning and memory, or understanding how students’ motivation affects learning outcomes.

Application: Basic research in education is typically conducted in academic settings, such as universities and research institutions, and is used to build foundational knowledge that can inform future educational practices and policies.

2. Applied Research

Definition: Applied research is designed to solve specific, practical problems by applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.


  • Objective: To find solutions to specific, often immediate, problems.
  • Focus: Practical, with a direct application to a particular field or context.
  • Methods: Utilizes experimental, survey, or case study methods tailored to specific problems.
  • Outcome: Produces actionable outcomes, such as new techniques, interventions, or technologies.

Example in Education: Developing and testing new instructional strategies to improve student engagement, or evaluating the effectiveness of a new curriculum.

Application: Applied research in education is often conducted by educational practitioners, policy makers, and researchers who aim to address specific challenges in educational settings, such as improving teaching methods, enhancing learning environments, or developing new assessment tools.

3. Action Research

Definition: Action research is a participatory form of research that involves a cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection, with the aim of solving a problem or improving practice in a specific context.


  • Objective: To bring about change or improvement within a specific community or organization.
  • Focus: Context-specific, addressing immediate issues within a particular setting.
  • Methods: Iterative and collaborative, involving cycles of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
  • Outcome: Produces practical solutions that can be immediately implemented and refined through subsequent cycles.

Example in Education: A teacher conducting action research to improve classroom management techniques or to enhance student participation in lessons.

Application: Action research is typically conducted by educators within their own classrooms, schools, or communities. It is used to address specific issues in educational practice, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation to meet the needs of students and teachers.

Comparison and Contrast

AspectBasic ResearchApplied ResearchAction Research
PurposeExpand theoretical knowledgeSolve practical problemsImprove practice through immediate change
FocusTheoretical, abstractPractical, specificContext-specific, participatory
MethodologyRigorous, often experimentalProblem-solving, varied methodsIterative, collaborative
OutcomeNew knowledge and theoriesPractical solutions and applicationsImmediate, context-specific improvements
Time FrameLong-termShort to medium-termShort-term, ongoing
ExamplesStudies on cognitive developmentDevelopment of new teaching strategiesClassroom-based improvements in teaching techniques

Application in Discussing Educational Phenomena

  • Basic Research: Used in educational settings to develop theories on learning, cognition, and development that can later inform practice. It helps in understanding fundamental aspects of education, such as how children learn, the impact of socio-economic factors on education, and the role of motivation in learning.
  • Applied Research: Directly addresses specific challenges in educational environments. For instance, applied research can be used to design new teaching methods, develop educational technologies, or evaluate the effectiveness of educational policies. It bridges the gap between theory and practice by applying basic research findings to solve real-world educational problems.
  • Action Research: Employed by educators to address and solve specific issues within their own classrooms or schools. This type of research is valuable in professional development, as it empowers teachers to improve their practice based on evidence gathered from their own experiences. Action research is particularly useful in fostering reflective practice and continuous improvement in education.


Each type of research—basic, applied, and action—plays a critical role in the field of education, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of educational phenomena. Basic research provides the foundational knowledge necessary for understanding complex educational issues. Applied research takes this knowledge and puts it into practice, creating tangible solutions for educational challenges. Action research allows educators to implement and refine these solutions in real-time, fostering a dynamic and responsive educational environment. By integrating these types of research, educators and researchers can collaboratively advance the field of education, improving outcomes for students and communities.

Q. 3     Define the concepts of history and historical research. What is the important of internal and external criticism in historical research? Also, distinguish primary source of data from the secondary source of data with examples?

Concepts of History and Historical Research

History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. It involves analyzing and interpreting records of what happened in the past, exploring the causes, contexts, and effects of these events, and understanding their significance in shaping the present and future.

Historical Research is the systematic investigation of past events, individuals, ideas, and cultures. It involves the collection, evaluation, and interpretation of historical data from various sources to construct a coherent narrative or to test a hypothesis about the past. Historical research is both a method and a discipline within the broader field of history.

Importance of Internal and External Criticism in Historical Research

Internal Criticism (Source Criticism):

  • Definition: Internal criticism involves evaluating the content, meaning, and credibility of a historical document or source. It examines the consistency, coherence, and logic of the information provided, as well as the author’s purpose, perspective, and bias.
  • Importance: Internal criticism is crucial because it helps historians determine the reliability of the information within a source. By analyzing the text critically, historians can identify potential biases, inaccuracies, and intentions of the author, leading to a more accurate interpretation of historical events.

External Criticism (Authenticity Criticism):

  • Definition: External criticism involves evaluating the authenticity, origin, and physical characteristics of a historical document or artifact. It examines aspects such as the material, age, authorship, and provenance of the source to determine whether it is genuine or forged.
  • Importance: External criticism is important for establishing the authenticity of historical sources. By ensuring that a source is genuine, historians can avoid using falsified or misattributed documents, which could lead to incorrect conclusions about historical events.

Distinguishing Primary Sources from Secondary Sources of Data

Primary Sources:

  • Definition: Primary sources are original documents, objects, or recordings created at the time an event occurred or by individuals directly involved in the event. They provide firsthand evidence and are the raw materials of historical research.
  • Examples:
    • Letters, Diaries, and Journals: Personal writings of individuals who experienced historical events, such as Anne Frank’s diary.
    • Official Documents: Government records, treaties, laws, and legal documents, like the U.S. Constitution.
    • Artifacts: Physical objects from the past, such as tools, clothing, or artworks.
    • Oral Histories: Interviews with individuals who witnessed or participated in historical events.
    • Photographs and Videos: Visual recordings from the time of the event, such as photographs from the Civil Rights Movement.
    • Newspaper Articles: Reports written at the time of the event.

Secondary Sources:

  • Definition: Secondary sources are interpretations, analyses, or summaries of historical events created by individuals who did not experience the events firsthand. They are typically based on primary sources and other secondary sources.
  • Examples:
    • Books and Articles: Historical books and journal articles that analyze or interpret past events, such as a history textbook or an academic paper on World War II.
    • Documentaries: Films that provide an overview or analysis of historical events, often using primary source footage and interviews.
    • Encyclopedias: Reference works that summarize historical information, like entries in Encyclopedia Britannica.
    • Biographies: Accounts of a person’s life written by someone other than the person, often using primary sources to reconstruct the narrative.


Understanding the concepts of history and historical research is essential for accurately interpreting past events and their significance. Internal and external criticism are critical tools in ensuring the reliability and authenticity of historical sources. Distinguishing between primary and secondary sources is fundamental to historical research, as it helps historians construct narratives based on direct evidence while also considering interpretations and analyses from other scholars. Both types of sources are valuable, but they serve different purposes in the study of history.

Q. 4     Distinguish experimental research from non-experimental research studies How experimental research is conducted? And why do we use experimental studies to address the social issues?

Distinguishing Experimental Research from Non-Experimental Research Studies

Experimental Research:

  • Definition: Experimental research involves the manipulation of one or more independent variables and the observation of their effects on dependent variables, while controlling other extraneous factors. The key feature of experimental research is the use of controlled conditions to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Characteristics:
    • Manipulation: The researcher actively changes or manipulates one or more variables.
    • Control: Other variables are controlled to isolate the effect of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable(s).
    • Randomization: Participants are often randomly assigned to experimental and control groups to minimize bias and ensure that differences in outcomes are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.
  • Example: A study where researchers randomly assign students to either receive a new teaching method (experimental group) or continue with the traditional method (control group) and then compare their academic performance.

Non-Experimental Research:

  • Definition: Non-experimental research involves observing and measuring variables without manipulating them. The researcher does not control the environment or variables, which means causal relationships cannot be definitively established. Instead, the focus is on describing characteristics, identifying correlations, and exploring relationships between variables.
  • Characteristics:
    • Observation: Researchers observe and measure variables as they naturally occur without intervention.
    • Lack of Control: There is little or no control over extraneous variables.
    • Correlation: Non-experimental research often examines correlations between variables rather than causation.
  • Example: A survey study that explores the relationship between students’ socioeconomic status and their academic achievement without altering any conditions.

How Experimental Research is Conducted

Experimental research typically follows a systematic process:

  1. Formulation of Hypothesis: A clear and testable hypothesis is developed, predicting the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
  2. Selection of Participants: Participants are selected and randomly assigned to different groups, such as experimental and control groups, to reduce bias and ensure comparability.
  3. Manipulation of Independent Variable: The researcher manipulates the independent variable in the experimental group while keeping it constant in the control group.
  4. Control of Extraneous Variables: Efforts are made to control or account for other variables that could influence the dependent variable, such as environment, time, or participant characteristics.
  5. Measurement of Dependent Variable: The researcher measures the dependent variable in both the experimental and control groups to assess the effect of the manipulation.
  6. Data Analysis: Statistical methods are used to analyze the data and determine whether there are significant differences between the groups, which would support or refute the hypothesis.
  7. Interpretation and Conclusion: The results are interpreted to draw conclusions about the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
  8. Replication: To validate findings, the experiment may be replicated by the same or different researchers under similar or varied conditions.

Why Use Experimental Studies to Address Social Issues?

Experimental studies are particularly valuable for addressing social issues due to several reasons:

  1. Causal Inference: Experimental research allows for the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, which is crucial for understanding the impact of interventions on social issues. For example, determining whether a specific educational intervention improves student outcomes requires demonstrating causality, which is best achieved through experimental methods.
  2. Controlled Environment: By controlling extraneous variables, researchers can isolate the effect of specific interventions or policies, providing clearer insights into their effectiveness. This is especially important in complex social environments where many factors can influence outcomes.
  3. Testing Interventions: Experimental research enables the testing of new policies, programs, or interventions in a controlled setting before they are widely implemented. This can prevent unintended negative consequences and ensure that only effective measures are adopted.
  4. Ethical Considerations: When dealing with sensitive social issues, experimental research allows for the careful monitoring of interventions, ensuring that participants are not harmed and that the research adheres to ethical standards.
  5. Generalizability: Although experiments are conducted in controlled settings, their results can often be generalized to broader populations, especially when replication studies confirm findings across different contexts and groups.
  6. Data-Driven Decision Making: Experimental research provides empirical evidence that policymakers and practitioners can use to make informed decisions about addressing social issues. This evidence-based approach can lead to more effective and efficient solutions.


Experimental research and non-experimental research are both essential in social science, but they serve different purposes. Experimental research is the gold standard for establishing causality and testing interventions in a controlled environment, making it highly valuable for addressing social issues. Non-experimental research, on the other hand, is useful for exploring relationships and describing phenomena in natural settings. By using experimental studies, researchers can provide robust evidence to support interventions and policies aimed at improving social outcomes.

Q. 5     Define descriptive research, what are its major forms? Strengthen your answer with the example of Case Studies, Causal Comparative studies and correlation studies.

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