AIOU Assignments1424Code 1424 Assignment 1 solved

Code 1424 Assignment 1 solved

Course: Compulsory English-II (1424-5411-9408)           Semester: Spring, 2024

Level: BA/AD/BS


(Units 1-4)

Q.1       Read Unit 1. Define Academic Essay. What are its types and three main body parts? Write the one Cause and Effect Essay about “Inflation in Pakistan”. The essay should include an explanation of the concept of inflation, its types, three major causes and three main effects of rising inflation in Pakistan.

Definition of an Academic Essay

An academic essay is a structured form of writing that presents a coherent argument on a specific topic, supported by evidence. It aims to inform or persuade the reader, demonstrating the writer’s ability to research, analyze, and articulate ideas effectively.

Types of Academic Essays

  1. Descriptive Essay: Focuses on detailing a particular subject.
  2. Narrative Essay: Tells a story or describes events.
  3. Expository Essay: Explains or informs the reader about a topic.
  4. Persuasive Essay: Aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint.
  5. Cause and Effect Essay: Explores the reasons for and the consequences of a particular event or phenomenon.

Three Main Body Parts of an Academic Essay

  1. Introduction: Introduces the topic, provides background information, and presents the thesis statement.
  2. Body Paragraphs: Elaborate on the main points supporting the thesis, with each paragraph focusing on a specific idea.
  3. Conclusion: Summarizes the main arguments, restates the thesis in light of the evidence presented, and may provide final thoughts or implications.

Cause and Effect Essay on “Inflation in Pakistan”


Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized by the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. It reduces the purchasing power of money, leading to economic challenges for individuals and the broader economy. In Pakistan, inflation has been a persistent issue, impacting various aspects of society. Understanding the causes and effects of inflation in Pakistan is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate its adverse effects.

Concept of Inflation and Its Types

Inflation can be broadly categorized into two types: demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation occurs when the demand for goods and services exceeds their supply, leading to higher prices. Cost-push inflation, on the other hand, happens when the cost of production increases, which is then passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

Three Major Causes of Inflation in Pakistan

  1. Monetary Expansion: The excessive printing of money by the government to finance budget deficits leads to an increase in the money supply. This monetary expansion reduces the value of money, causing prices to rise.
  2. Supply Chain Disruptions: Pakistan’s economy heavily depends on imports for essential goods. Any disruption in the supply chain, whether due to geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, or logistical challenges, can cause shortages, pushing prices up.
  3. Energy Costs: The increase in the cost of energy, particularly oil and gas, directly impacts the cost of transportation and production in various sectors. As energy prices rise, the overall cost of goods and services also increases, contributing to inflation.

Three Main Effects of Rising Inflation in Pakistan

  1. Erosion of Purchasing Power: As inflation rises, the purchasing power of the average consumer declines. This means that people can buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money, leading to a decrease in the standard of living.
  2. Increased Cost of Living: Rising inflation leads to higher costs for basic necessities such as food, fuel, and housing. This disproportionately affects low-income households, widening the gap between different socio-economic groups.
  3. Economic Uncertainty: High inflation creates uncertainty in the economy, discouraging investment and savings. Businesses may delay expansion plans, and individuals may be hesitant to make long-term financial commitments, leading to slower economic growth.


Inflation in Pakistan is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences. It is driven by a combination of internal factors such as monetary expansion and external factors like supply chain disruptions and rising energy costs.

Q.2    (i)      Read page no 59-70 of Unit-2. Draw a flow chart based on the process of     “planting a tree”.     (ii)        Read the following paragraph demonstrating the method of Sequence Writing. After reading, write down steps in following which paper is recycled?

To complete these tasks, let’s break them down:

Task (i): Drawing a Flow Chart Based on the Process of “Planting a Tree”

To create a flow chart for planting a tree, here are the steps you might consider:

  1. Selecting a Location
    • Choose a suitable location for planting the tree.
  2. Preparing the Soil
    • Clear the area of weeds and debris.
    • Dig a hole appropriate to the size of the tree’s root ball.
  3. Placing the Tree
    • Place the tree in the hole, ensuring it is straight and at the correct depth.
  4. Filling the Hole
    • Fill the hole with soil, pressing down gently to remove air pockets.
  5. Watering the Tree
    • Water the tree thoroughly after planting.
  6. Adding Mulch
    • Add mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture.
  7. Supporting the Tree (if necessary)
    • Use stakes to support the tree if it is tall or in a windy area.
  8. Regular Maintenance
    • Water the tree regularly, especially during dry periods.
    • Monitor the tree’s growth and health.

You can draw this flow chart using any diagramming tool or by hand, ensuring each step is represented as a process box with arrows indicating the flow.

Task (ii): Writing Down Steps for Paper Recycling

Assuming you have read a paragraph describing the paper recycling process, the steps might look like this:

  1. Collecting Used Paper
    • Gather used paper from homes, offices, and recycling bins.
  2. Sorting
    • Separate paper by type and remove contaminants.
  3. Shredding
    • Shred the sorted paper into small pieces.
  4. Pulping
    • Mix the shredded paper with water and chemicals to create a pulp.
  5. Screening and Cleaning
    • Screen the pulp to remove any remaining contaminants.
  6. De-Inking
    • Use chemicals or flotation to remove ink from the pulp.
  7. Bleaching (if necessary)
    • Bleach the pulp to make it whiter, depending on the final product requirements.
  8. Pressing
    • Press the pulp to remove excess water.
  9. Drying
    • Dry the pulp to form sheets of paper.
  10. Rolling and Cutting
    • Roll the paper into large rolls and cut it into the desired sizes.

These steps provide a clear sequence for the paper recycling process. You can write them down in bullet points or a numbered list, ensuring the sequence is easy to follow.

What is the Process of Recycling Paper?

         Paper is recycled by taking it to the recycling plant where it is separated and then the separated paper is cleaned and washed with soap to break it down. After breaking down, it is exposed to heat and after some time it breaks down into cellulose Recycling is an essential method to minimize waste accumulation and reduce pollution. We can recycle old newspapers. notebooks and used envelopes. Paper contaminated with food, carbon paper and stickers cannot be recycled. Q.3    Read the Unit 3. What is classification? How to write the classification essay write the just main steps name? Illustrate the different types of diet as a healthy food or drink to survive for the longer in age than any other person who enjoys the Unhealthy diet in his/her life?

Classification Essay: Definition and Steps

Classification is a method of essay writing in which you organize or group items into categories based on shared characteristics or criteria. It helps in breaking down a broad topic into manageable parts, making it easier for the reader to understand.

Main Steps for Writing a Classification Essay:

  1. Choose a Topic: Select a topic that can be divided into categories.
  2. Determine the Categories: Identify the criteria for classification and create distinct categories.
  3. Organize the Categories: Arrange the categories logically.
  4. Provide Examples: Include specific examples for each category.
  5. Conclude: Summarize the main points and reiterate the significance of the classification.

Illustrating Different Types of Diets

When discussing diets as a classification, you can categorize them as Healthy Diets and Unhealthy Diets based on their impact on longevity and overall well-being.

Healthy Diets:

  • Mediterranean Diet: Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil, this diet is associated with a longer lifespan and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  • Plant-Based Diet: Focuses on consuming whole foods derived from plants. It is known for its high nutrient content and benefits for heart health and longevity.
  • DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension): Designed to prevent high blood pressure, it emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy, contributing to long-term health.

Unhealthy Diets:

  • Fast Food Diet: High in processed foods, trans fats, and sugars, this diet leads to obesity, heart disease, and a shorter lifespan.
  • High Sugar Diet: Diets rich in sugary foods and drinks increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and other health issues, negatively impacting life expectancy.
  • Processed Food Diet: Reliance on heavily processed foods can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems, reducing longevity.

Conclusion: A healthy diet, rich in natural, nutrient-dense foods, contributes to a longer and healthier life compared to an unhealthy diet high in processed and sugary foods.

Q.4       Complete the following cause and effect sentences

Here are the completed cause and effect sentences:

(i) Lack of students’ attention to their studies leads to poor academic performance.

(ii) The cotton industry in the city consumes a lot of energy, which results in increased pollution and higher electricity costs.

(iii) My kids go to school on a motorbike in such cold weather, which is resulting in frequent colds and flu.

(iv) Tobacco consumption by our youth is a major cause of health problems such as lung cancer and heart disease.

(v) Since I was up all night with my sick child, I am feeling extremely tired and unable to focus today.

(vi) Because I forgot to set the alarm last night, I woke up late and missed my morning meeting.

(vii) I need to go to the bank since I have to deposit a cheque and withdraw some cash.

(viii) There is a forecast of a heavy storm, so we should stay indoors and secure outdoor items.

(ix) When you complete writing your book, you can start the editing process and prepare it for publication.

(x) Because the cat was frightened, it ran under the bed and refused to come out.

Q.5.      Read Unit 5. Using appropriate transition words, compare and contrast a cell phone and a laptop. How are both similar to each other, and how are they different?

To compare and contrast a cell phone and a laptop, you can structure your answer using appropriate transition words:


Both cell phones and laptops are electronic devices used for communication and computing. Similarly, they can access the internet, allowing users to browse websites, send emails, and engage on social media platforms. Moreover, both devices are portable, making it easy to carry them around for work, entertainment, or staying connected with others. Additionally, they offer various applications, such as word processing, gaming, and media playback, catering to a wide range of user needs.


However, there are several differences between cell phones and laptops. For instance, a cell phone is generally more compact and lightweight, which makes it more convenient for on-the-go use. In contrast, laptops are larger and heavier, but they provide a more powerful processor, larger screen, and a physical keyboard, making them better suited for tasks requiring more extensive input, like writing essays or coding. Furthermore, cell phones have a more limited battery life compared to laptops, especially when performing high-demand tasks. On the other hand, laptops often have a longer battery life and can handle more intensive applications without draining power as quickly. In conclusion, while both devices serve similar functions, their design and capabilities cater to different user preferences and needs.

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