Class 09 – english – unit 5 – Daffodils


answer the following questions
Q1.What is the central idea of poem?
Ans. Nature allures the human beings to the height of pleasure when they experience it. The beauty of nature has ever lasting impact to human mind .The poem describes nature and its purifying effect on human beings.
Q2. What do the daffodils represent in the poem?
Ans .The daffodils represent beauty of nature. They also represent happiness and source of pleasure in universe.

Q3.What ” wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?
Ans. It was a wealth of beauty for the poet .It left lasting sooting , charming effect on the poet that he would remember it whenever he was sad.It removed his sadness and become a source of happiness for the poet.

Q4.List the words that heighten the sound affect in the poem?

Ans. Fluttering , cloud , flash , glee , twinkle , wealth dancing , stretched , gazed ,breeze etc.

Q5. How has the poet heightened the impact of the poem by using figurative language?

Ans .The figurative language in the poem recreates and amplifies the beauty of the scene to the extent that the reader relishes every word of it.


Q1. How was the poet wandering?
A.The poet was wondering as a cloud.

Q2.What did the poet see?
Ans.The poets saw a group of golden daffodils.

Q3.How were the daffodils looking?
Ans.They were shinning like a star in Milky way .

Q4.How many were the daffodils?
Ans.They were uncountable in number
Q5.With whom does the poet compare their dance?
Ans. He compares their dance with sparking waves but they surpassed the waves
Q6.What did the poet feel in that company?
Ans.The poet felt very happy in the jacund company .
Q7. What does the poet feel when his heart is filled with pleasure ?
Ans.His heart begins with daffoy when it filled with pleasure .

B. here is the list of few Similes , Metaphour , Personifications . Can you identify them ? Write simile for S , M for Metaphour , P for personification ?

Time is moneyMetaphor
As busy as beeSimile
The wind whispered the rumors of forestPersonification
As gentle as lambS
The story engine wheezed its death cough.P
The heart of lionM
The apple of my eyeM
As cunning as foxS
Brown grass was begging for waterP
As wise as owlS
Blanket of snowM
As black as crowS


A. Use a treasure to find three more equivalent /synonms to the following words .

SawGlanceGazeStare , look , gape , goggle , ogle , leer .
ShineTwinkleSparkleBeam , glow , glint , flash , glitter , flare , glimmer .

Connotion means the attitude and feeling associated with a word as opposed to its literal meaning
For example
Solitude : a positive connotation
Lonely : a negative connotation

C. Specify positive and negative connotation of each words .
D. Use the given words in the sentences .

Gaze : Positive He gazed at the beautiful flowers .
Stare : Negative Why are you staring at me ?
Shine : Positive The sun shines on my dear land .
GLARE : Negative The glare of his car ‘s headlights hurt the eyes .
Hoard : Negative The greedy man hoards edibles .
Collect : Positive He collects postage stamps .


Collective noun
A singular noun which shows collection of persons or things such as a committe or team that refers to a group of people , animals or things is called collective noun .for example crowd in this poem refers to the collection of large number of daffodils.

A. Which collective noun means

  1. A collection of ships (fleet)
  2. A collection of singers (chours ,choir )
  3. Collection of cattle (herd)
  4. A collection of soldiers (regiment, army)

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions ?

Here colurfull one are the blanks!
1.He ran fast but he missed the train .

  1. Wait till I return.
  2. Work hard lest you should fail .
  3. I did not come because you did not invite me .
  4. You will get prize if you deserve it.

    D. Use the present and past participles .
    A participle is a verb form used as an adjective to modify nouns and pronouns.

All present participles end in ING form
Example The laughing lady
,the falling temperature, the stinging remark.

The past participle of all regular verb end ED
Example The tried dancer , the injured player , the cracked vase .

E. Underline the participles in the following .write present or past
Note here underline ones are colourful one

  1. He was so shocked after the accident that he could not speak ( past ).
  2. The galloping horse sacred the child . ( Present)
  3. I don’t want that burnt toast ( past)
  4. Don’t be frightened .that dog doesn’t bite .( Past )
  5. The lorry was carrying stolen goods ( present)
  6. Everybody was excited preparing the things for the trip.( Past)
  7. If the children are bored why don’t you take them to park ( past ).

C. Use any coordinating conjunctions and five subordinating conjunctions in sentences of your own ?

  1. He neither came nor helped me ( coordinating)
    2.He Refused to go with me however he guidedme about the path ( coordinating)
  2. He did not work hence he failed ( coordinating)
  3. He worked hard so he passed ( coordinating)
  4. Either Anwar or Aslam came here ( coordinating)
  5. I shall help him because he is poor ( subordinating)
  6. I shall help him if he comes ( subordinating)
  7. He said that the earth is round . ( Subordinating)
  8. Ali worked while Naseem was playing ( subordinating)
  9. He failed through he worked hard .( Subordinating).

F. Make five sentences using present participles and five sentences using past participles.

1. Feeling tired he laid hiss work aside.

  1. The news of his death is shocking to us.
  2. Reaching home I shook hands with my friend.
  3. Reading the telegram he lost is wits.
  4. Writing an essay he went to school.

B. 1. The ruined building shocked us.

  1. Once bitten wise shy.
  2. The bored students were taken to playground.
  3. We feel excited at your success.
  4. The Cracked vase was still captivating.

G. choose the correct meaning of underline (colourful )words

  1. Wandered means
    ( Roamed , ran ,stopped ,held )
  2. Host means ( one ,team ,flower , group)
  3. Flutter means ( move , fluctuate , run ,work )
  4. Twinkle means ( flush , blush , shine , mine )
  5. sprightly means ( playful , sad , beautiful , dejected)
  6. Out did mean ( liked , resembled , surpassed,said )
  7. Sparking means ( active , shinning , running, flowing)
  8. Jocund means ( blissful , sad , running , , flowing)
  9. Gaze means (see , watch , overlook,look fixedly)
  10. Pensive means (mediative , active , alert , flirt )
  11. Solitude means ( company ,bland , loneliness , group)
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