Class 09 -English – Unit 03 (Media and its impact )

Answer the following question
Q1.What is the most important function of media performs?
Ans .Media shares news and information with audience. It also creates awareness about the social issues like corruption , terrorism and violation of human rights. It has become a software downtrodden.
Q2.What are the major means of communication?
Ans .Print and electronic media are two major means of communication .

print media include magazines and newspaper, books ,journals and handouts

electronic media includes TV, radio ,film ,movie ,mobile computers
Q3.How does media provide entertainment?
Ans. Through films ,dramas ,comedies, quiz programs, news information ,books ,magazine and newspaper entertain us , every person can enjoy his favourite source.

Q4.What happens when media is allowed to play it’s role unchecked?

Ans. If media is allowed to play its role unchecked it may missled the people .it may broadcast news item that are based on rumours and can cast very negative effect on audience ,wealthy people use it for their personal purposes which create chaos and unrest.
Q5. Give three reasons in support of your TV program work against the stability of government dishonest media is dangerous for a peaceful country?
Ans. My favourite TV program is duniya TV Hasb-e-Haal it is a source of entertainment which provides information and raises awareness about political and social it also raises awareness about basic problems in society.

Q1.Guess the meaning of tutorial?
Ans. Tutorial discussion between the students and a tutor it also me study day.
Q2.What type of information does it provide ?
Ans . Media is a source of communication ,it provides information and news about the world.
Q3.Is TV taking away habit of reading?
Ans .Yes TV is taking the people away from habit of reading as the get information easily and in an interesting way through media.

Q4.Which is your favourite TV program and why ?
Ans. (Individual) I like animal planet programme, because it gives information about animals. It is also source of recreation and enjoyment .

Q5.What is the role of media in society?
Ans. The role of media is to create political and social awareness in the masses.
Q6.What is the print media?
Ans . Print media includes printed material on paper i.e newspaper , magzines e.t.c.

Q7.What is global village ?
Ans. The world wide consider as a single community served by electronic media and information technology is called global village.


A. Explain the following phrases as used in the text .

  1. A mouth piece of downtrodden
    *The representative channel for the expression opinion feelings and problems of the poor oppressed people.
    2.To keep an eye
    *Keep a permanent check at.
    3. Raise awareness
    *Media raises awareness among the people
    4.Constructive role
    *I useful and beneficial role
    5.A Click away
    *Just by the click of a computer mouse the word can brought by u
    6. Global village
    *The whole world consider as single community served by information technology

7.Greed up
*got ready

8. Look forward
*Students always look forward anxiously to attend English class
9. Mode
*Media is time most powerful mode of communication
*Media helps people to share knowledge of they inhabit
11.Constructive role
*Media should place constructive role.
*Every person is accountable in the court of Allah.

B. Put these words in relevant columns to identify the part of speech these words belong to

Media, Means .False .Anxiously .
Information .Instructive .Loudly .
Communication .Global . 
Audience .  


A. Change the following words into nouns fill in the blank with nouns, save , excited , devastating , active , helpless , able ,justify .

  1. Doctors are concerned with safety of the patients.
  2. In a state of excitement she cried loudly.
  3. Threads of 10 girls large scale devastation.
  4. Positive activity will keep your healthy.
  5. Her helplessness was quiet of obvious.
  6. She has ability required for the job.
  7. He was in the state of hopelessness .
  8. Have you any justification of defect .


  1. Subjective case : I,WE , YOU ,HE , SHE , THEY , IT
  2. Objective case : ME,US, YOU , HIM , HER , THEM , IT
  3. Possessive case : MY , MINE , OUR , OURS , YOURS , HIS , HER , HIS HER , THEIR , IT
  5. Indefinite Pronoun : NONE , NO ONE , SOMEONE , NOBODY , ANYONE , ANYBODY .E.TC.

C. Identify personal possessive reflexive and indefinite pronoun

  1. This is my book .(Possessive pronoun)
  2. Salman is absent because he is ill. (Personal pronoun)
  3. Youself will hurt yourself. (Yourself is reflexive a noun and you is personal pronoun)
  4. Nobody was there to rescue the child.(Indefinite pronoun )

D. Identify pronoun antecedent errors and write the following sentences correctly.
1.Media players are very constructive rule for the society .They( it )raises awareness about many social issues like corruption terrorism drug addiction and violation of human rights.
2.I would conclude the discussion by saying the media players are positive role and have a corective impact if they (it) works honestly.
3.Good very well concluded I am happy that all of he (you) have participated in this question and have extends yourselves very well.

E. Decide which of the alternative forms of very agrees with the subject.
1.Media —— a very constructive role for the society (play/plays)
2.Media ——- also become a mouth peace up downtrodden (has/have)
3.I am happy that all of you —— Express yourselves very well (have/has)
4.They are feelings and opinions ——– expressed through it (is /are)
5.Film radio television the internet books magazines and newspaper ———- us information as well entertainment (provide/provides).

F. Change the voice.

1. Media helps people to share knowledge
A. People are help to share knowledge by the media.
2.They are feelings and opinion the express through it.
A. They Express their feelings and opinions through it.
3. Media attracts the attention of a very large audience.
A. The attention of a very large audience is attracted by media.
4. After entering the house we switch on the television television.
The television is switched on by us after entering the house.
5. It not only informs but also entertain us.
A. We are not only informed but also entertain by it.

G. The paragraph into past indefinite tense
Ans .Media helped people to share knowledge of the word day inhabited .Their feelings and opinions were Express through it . Media attracted the tension of very large audience .Had you notice that the first thing that we did soon after and take the house was to switch on the television.


Choose the correct meaning of the underline word
1.Favourite means
(a) Best-loved

(b) Hated

(c) Disliked

(d) Poor
2.Eagerly means
(a) Loving

(b) Sincerely

(c) Truly

(d) Zealously

  1. Usual means
    (a) Local
    (b) Routine
    (c) Literal
    (d) Award
    4.The students are geared up
    (a) Ready
    (b) Open
    (c) Avoided
    (d) Loved
    5.Politely means (a) crutly
    (b) Justly
    (C) Civility
    (d) Shortly

6.Mode mans
(a) College
(b) Goodly
(c) Made
(d) Source

  1. Media spreads false news
    (a) Wrong
    (b) Good
    (C) Social
    (d) Local
  2. Absolutely right
    (a) Wrongly
    (b) Falsely
    (C) Generally
    (d) Completely
  3. The word has become a global village
    (a) Worthy
    (b) Expanded
    (c) One unit
    (d) Spread
  4. I would add a bit more
    (a) Much more
    (b) A great deal
    (c)A little more
    (d) Additional
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