Atomic And Molecular Physics

Q1.(a) In Bohr’s 3rd orbit of an atom how many elliptical orbits are possible according to Sommerfeld’s model? Also explain the purpose of these types of orbits in Sommerfeld model?

(b) If the hydrogen atom is in 4f state to what states it can move after radiating photon in allowed transition in homogenous magnetic field B?

(c) Write down the different possible set of quantum numbers for 5th of hydrogen number ?

(d) What is probability of finding an electron in an atom ?

Q2. (a) A sample of certain element is placed in a 0.300-T magnetic feild and suitably excited .How far apart are the Zeeman components of the 450-nm spectral line of element?

(b) Fid the magnetic energy that an atom of magnetic quantum number m has when it is placed in magnetic feild B?

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