Q1.In an experiment ,tungsten cathode which has a threshold wavelenght 2300A0 is irradiated by ultravolient light of wavelenght 1800A0 .Calculate

(a) maximum energy of emitted photoelectrons and

(b) Work function of tungsten,(mention both the results in elctron volts )

Q2. for a photosensitive surface , the work function is 3.3X 10-19 J .Find the threshold frequency .(note also use first question values)

Q3. (a) two ideal polarized sheets are arranged so that the angle between ths pass .axis of the two sheets is thetha 0. an unpolarized beam of light I0 is incident on one of the polaried .If the intensity of light emerging from the other polaroid is I0 /4 ,what will be angle0. ?

(b) The maximum kinectic energy of photoelectrons emitted from surface when photons of energy 6eV fall on it is 4 eV .What is the stopping potential ?

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